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[交流] [06/28] WWI上放出的各職業新增技能前瞻(轉載)
翻譯作者: sky_liux



* Entangling roots will be useable indoor.

* Nourish will be a new healing spell, healing for more hit points for each HoT effect on the target.

* There isn't any plan to change cyclone


* All kind of pets will have their own talent tree. A tanking talent tree, a DPS talent tree, and an utility talent tree. Each kind of pet family will have its own talent tree and its own unique ability.


* The shot clipping will be removed from Steady Shot, you'll be able to use it without "interrupting" your autoshot. Hunters will be able to just smash their button.

* There are going to be new pets in WotLK.

* The skill points for each pets are being changed to the new "Pet talents" and will disappear.



* Divine Hymn will be a deep-holy talent protecting your party from attackers, any attacks done to you or your party will cause the attacker to be afflicted by sleep.


* The 51 point talent for Shadow Priests is Dispersion : You disperse into pure shadow energy, reducing all damage taken by -90%. You are unable to attack or cast spells, but you regenerate 6% health and man ..

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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:香港網上行 | Posted:2008-06-30 06:18 |

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