
[資料交換] 閱讀測驗附中文翻譯
檔案大小:240K 預覽內容:
Advanced Test 1 The United States population is growing older. In 1987, 12 percent of Americans were 65 years old or older, compared with 8 percent in 1950. Population experts at the U.S. Bureau of Census expect this percentage to continue to rise gradually, reaching 14 percent in 2010, then to skyrocket during the next 20 years, reaching 21 percent by 2030. This “graying of America” has generated concerns about whether the best really is yet to be, about how well off tomorrow’s elderly will be. There also are questions about the impact of an aging population on the rest of society.
1. What is the author’s main purpose in the passage? (A) To bring attention to the needs of the elderly. (B) To contrast birthrates and life expectancy rates. (C) To explain how and why the American population is aging. (D) To show the percentages of age groups in the general population. 2. During which period of time will the percentage of Americans 65 years old or older increase the most? (A) 1970-1990 (B) 1990-2010 (C) 2010-2030 (D) 2030-2050
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