
[1.6][插件] 连输补偿sma修改 bot也可以用 协助
目前连输补偿只有玩家适用,请问要怎么修改能单机打bot时 bot也能获得这个效果
#include <amxmodx> #include <cstrike>
#define AWARD_LEVELS 5 #define MAX_AWARD 9000
new const award[] = {0, 1000, 2500, 3500, 4500, 5500} new score[] = {0, 0} new scale = 0
public teamscore() { new team[2] read_data(1,team,1) new curTeam = (team[0] == 'C') ? 0 : 1 new curScore = read_data(2)
if (curScore == score[curTeam]) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
score[curTeam] = curScore
// Keep a sliding scale of losses clamped to 7 // Scale is positive when CT's are winning if (curTeam) { scale += 1 } else { scale -= 1 } scale = clamp(scale, 0-AWARD_LEVELS, AWARD_LEVELS) log_message("「平安夜公告」 当前按物价计酬法 %d.", scale)
if (!get_cvar_num("extramoney")) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE // find the pot amount by converting the sliding scale to an index // in the award lookup table new pindex = scale if (!curTeam) pindex = 0-pindex
new pot = award[clamp(pindex-1, 0, 5)] if (!pot) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
new players[32]; new playerCount, i get_players(players, playerCount, "ce", curTeam ? "CT" : "TERRORIST") for (i=0;i < playerCount; i++) { new money = cs_get_user_money(players) new newmoney = max(clamp(money+pot, 0, MAX_AWARD), money) // Only give extra money up to 8000 cs_set_user_money(players, newmoney, 1) }
public plugin_init() { register_plugin("JETB", "0.5", "Janzert") register_cvar("extramoney", "1") register_event("TeamScore", "teamscore", "a");