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[Android][其他] iPhone Notifications v3.0
iPhone Notifications shows your Android device's notifications with IOS5 fashionWith iPhone Notifications you can greatly improve the way your Android device displays notifications. You can display your notifications with exactly the same fashion as on IOS5, on your smartphone as well as on your tablet device.

--== SUPPORT ==--
For more information and a detailled FAQ, go to http://www.productigeeky.com
If you have any question or suggestion, please contact us.

To work properly, iPhone Notifications requires that you activate the accessibility service « iPhone Notifications Service » (accessibility services are currently the only way to process user notifications on Android systems).
- After installing, click « Open »
- Click « Activate the service »
- If it’s not already checked, check « Accessibility »
- Check « iPhone Notifications Service »
- Confirm
You then have to use the "Monitoring" option to choose which apps should raise notifications.
Status bar notifications must be enabled in the monitored apps for the banners and alerts to appear properly.
If you still can't get SMS notifications, then your phone is not using the stock Android SMS app. Look for the name of your messaging app in the monitoring list and activate it.

--== HOW TO USE IT ==--
Once you have activated the service and configured the app, you can choose to display each app's notifications as alerts or banners.
Banners :
- Click the notification to launch it
- Swipe to the right to dismiss it
- Swipe to the left to either clear all upcoming notifications or only the ones coming from the same app (depending on the "left swipe mode" option)
Alerts :
- Click "View" to launch it
- Click "Close" to dismiss it
Note that dismissing the notification won’t remove it from the status bar (Android system doesn’t currently allow to manually remove notifications from the status bar)
If you use a custom lockscreen app such as MagicLocker or WidgetLocker, the banners will show above your lockscreen.

--== LITE VS PRO ==--
With the full version of iPhone Notifications :
- You can display the full notification text
- You can choose the banners timeout, and make them permanent
- You can choose to make the alerts appear only when the screen is off
- You can choose the screen timeout when an alert shows up, and make it stay on until you read it
- You can lower the brightness of the screen when the alert makes the phone wake up
- You can set custom vibration patterns
- You can choose the action when you do a left swipe on the banner
- You can set quiet hours
- You can use reminders

To receive notifications from an app, check it in the « Monitoring » section of the preferences.
Here are some examples of apps which work fine with iPhone Notifications :
- Google Voice
- Viber
- Trillian
- Handsent SMS
- Facebook Messenger
- K9 Mail / Kaiten Mail
- Metro Messaging Beta
- ChompSMS
- Messenger WithYou
- eBuddy
- MB Notifications for Facebook

Apps used on the screenshots :
- Espier Launcher
- MagicLocker with iPhone Lockscreen theme

iphone notifications, ios notifications, ios5 notifications, ios 5 notifications, iphone popups, iphone alerts, ios popups

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献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾中华电信股份有限公司 | Posted:2012-02-01 14:42 |

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