Release notes for version 6.4
New features
Support for using your graphics card(s)BOINC has been extended so that it can use the spare cycles in your graphics card to process work. At present this feature only works with
Nvidia graphics cards.
To enable your graphics card to process work do the following:
Check here to see if your GPU is CUDA-capable. *
If it is, download and install the latest CUDA driver (you don't need the toolkit or SDK). Notes: CUDA won't work on Vista if you chose the 'protected application execution' install option. If this applies to you, reinstall BOINC without this option.
從6.4版開始,就有部份專案可以使用Nvidia GPU來使運算(需支援CDUA)
目前只有 GPUgrid.net 和 SETI@home 這兩個專案支援
支援 Nvidia CDUA 的顯示卡列表:
http://www.nvidia.com/object/...roducts.htmlBOINC 6.4.5 下載:
http://boincdl.ssl.berkeley.edu/dl/b...ws_intelx86.exeBOINC CDUA 說明:

題外話,這個視窗的標題列應該是「關於 BOINC Manager」而不應該是「中止 BOINC Manager」吧