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[程式][] The Bender Pack 超搞笑模组
Bender Pack


A lot of people wanted these guys converted and since the creator of them Carne aka the Carnage was so kind to me and taught me a lot of modeling I thought it would be a good thing to do. And I like them. Also you will find hostages in the pack and skin for the hands and the ability to change the way they look. You'll find that info in the readme. Have fun.


Some dude named Steve emailed me and gave me the heads up on how to get the old custom css models going. Basically you get the old models/player/ak_anims_t.mdl and ak_anims_ct.mdl and cs_player_shared.mdl and put em in yer css and old weapons models as well. I made up a pack of those files for you to download if you don't have them. Follow the links to my HL2 - Models section of this site. Thanks Steve, man I'm stoked now, I can finish off my good vs evil homer model pack woohoo. To install just extract it to your counter-strike source folder.
Download the fix here


If you already have the fix you need to go to cstrike/models/weapons folder and deleat w_c4 , w_c4_planted and w_defuser models, you can get rid of w_eq models too, that's frag, smoke and flash, the grenades seam to do funny flipping around when dropped so its visually nicer for you to get rid of them. Alternatively just dl the fix again and start new.
Since then there has been an update from steam that wont allow material vmt's to have any other lines in them other than base and bump, I made a fix for the bender model's
Download the materials fix here


To install:
Extract the files to your desktop and drag and drop the cstrike folder into your
C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\xxxxxxxxxx\counter-strike source fodler
(I like saying fodler its funny) or just extract the zip there the choice is yours, overwriting the files. Like in the pic. I also recommend you look in the tutorials section and read the "make windows XP better than useless" article. For your convenience I made a video tutorial on how to install and use the models you can download the large one


or the small one


. Too I must apologies for the way I set up the file originally it would unzip as models and materials folders which made things hard because I wrote the tutorial as if it unzipped to a cstrike folder. So now I have changed the zip file so it unzips to cstrike as I meant to do at the first. Sorry.
How to use:
So far you have installed the pack but you will see no new models until you set them up yourself. Its easy to do and to make it even easier I would make a shortcut to your desktop of your
C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\xxxxxxxxxx\counter-strike source\cstrike\models\player
fodler, because you will need to go there anytime you want to change the models. Now you have installed the pack the above folder should look like this.

I made a prefix of ss because I hope other modelers will follow me in setting up they're player models for CSS, the ss is to put my models together, but anyway you can see the folders are named according the the model inside them. Inside each folder you will see this.

Now select either the six terror files or the six urban files and copy them, and then paste them in the
C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\xxxxxxxxxx\counter-strike source\cstrike\models\player
fodler, go and do that again with the other model you want and you are ready to play. One more thing when you change a model over to see it again you have to restart CSS.
Some pics.

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾数位联合 | Posted:2006-03-31 22:18 |
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献花 x0 回到顶端 [1 楼] From:台湾数位联合 | Posted:2006-03-31 22:23 |
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C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\xxxxxxxxxx\counter-strike source\cstrike\models\player

献花 x0 回到顶端 [2 楼] From:台湾中华电信 | Posted:2006-04-01 16:35 |
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下面是引用dennie于2006-04-1 16:35发表的 :
C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\xxxxxxxxxx\counter-strike source\cstrike\models\player

不要散拨出去阿~ 以免惹事生非~ 表情

献花 x0 回到顶端 [3 楼] From:台湾亚太线上 | Posted:2006-04-01 16:52 |
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献花 x0 回到顶端 [4 楼] From:台湾数位联合 | Posted:2006-04-02 21:34 |
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献花 x0 回到顶端 [5 楼] From:台湾 | Posted:2009-04-28 21:02 |
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穿西装 打领带..  还想杀人!?

呵呵 真的有搞笑到表情 表情

英文.. 小弟非常之不行= =" ..表情 表情 表情

M.M^Gaming [A] WrAiTh<pk
献花 x0 回到顶端 [6 楼] From:台湾东信电讯 | Posted:2009-05-28 20:24 |
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看抹勒~ 英文 不懂啦

献花 x0 回到顶端 [7 楼] From:台湾中华电信 | Posted:2009-05-28 20:37 |
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Bender Pack


A lot of people wanted these guys converted and since the creator of them Carne aka the Carnage was so kind to me and taught me a lot of modeling I thought it would be a good thing to do.
And I like them.
Also you will find hostages in the pack and skin for the hands and the ability to change the way they look.
You'll find that info in the readme.
Have fun.


Some dude named Steve emailed me and gave me the heads up on how to get the old custom css models going.
有些花花公子名叫史蒂夫给我发电子邮件 , 并给了我抬起头 , 如何让旧的自定义CSS模式去。
Basically you get the old models/player/ak_anims_t.mdl and ak_anims_ct.mdl and cs_player_shared.mdl and put em in yer css and old weapons models as well.
基本上你的旧型号/播放/ ak_anims_t.mdl和ak_anims_ct.mdl和cs_player_shared.mdl,把时间 , 在也门里亚尔CSS和旧武器模型 , 以及。
I made up a pack of those files for you to download if you don't have them.
我提出了一个包这些文件供您下载 , 如果你没有这些。
Follow the links to my HL2 - Models section of this site.
按照链接到我的半条命2 -车型节本网站。
Thanks Steve, man I'm stoked now, I can finish off my good vs evil homer model pack woohoo.
To install just extract it to your counter-strike source folder.
Download the fix here


If you already have the fix you need to go to cstrike/models/weapons folder and deleat w_c4 , w_c4_planted and w_defuser models, you can get rid of w_eq models too, that's frag, smoke and flash, the grenades seam to do funny flipping around when dropped so its visually nicer for you to get rid of them.
如果您已经有您需要的修复到cstrike /模型/武器的文件夹和deleat w_c4,w_c4_planted和w_defuser模型,您可以摆脱w_eq模式对,这是片段,烟雾和闪光手榴弹缝做滑稽左右翻转因此,其时下跌视觉更好为您摆脱他们。
Alternatively just dl the fix again and start new.
Since then there has been an update from steam that wont allow material vmt's to have any other lines in them other than base and bump , I made a fix for the bender model's
从那时起一直是更新蒸汽wont使材料虚拟制造技术的有任何其他线以外的这些基地碰撞 ,我曾定出折弯机模型
Download the materials fix here


To install:
Extract the files to your desktop and drag and drop the cstrike folder into your
C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\xxxxxxxxxx\counter-strike source fodler
ç:\ Program Files文件\阀\蒸汽\ SteamApps \的XXXXXXXXXX \反恐精英源fodler
(I like saying fodler its funny) or just extract the zip there the choice is yours, overwriting the files.
Like in the pic.
I also recommend you look in the tutorials section and read the "make windows XP better than useless" article.
我还建议您查看教程部分和阅读“的Windows XP比无用”的文章。
For your convenience I made a video tutorial on how to install and use the models you can download the large one


or the small one


Too I must apologies for the way I set up the file originally it would unzip as models and materials folders which made things hard because I wrote the tutorial as if it unzipped to a cstrike folder.
So now I have changed the zip file so it unzips to cstrike as I meant to do at the first.
How to use:
So far you have installed the pack but you will see no new models until you set them up yourself.
Its easy to do and to make it even easier I would make a shortcut to your desktop of your
C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\xxxxxxxxxx\counter-strike source\cstrike\models\player
ç:\ Program Files文件\阀\蒸汽\ SteamApps \的XXXXXXXXXX \反恐精英源\ cstrike \型号\播放器
fodler, because you will need to go there anytime you want to change the models.
Now you have installed the pack the above folder should look like this.

I made a prefix of ss because I hope other modelers will follow me in setting up they're player models for CSS, the ss is to put my models together, but anyway you can see the folders are named according the the model inside them.
Inside each folder you will see this.

Now select either the six terror files or the six urban files and copy them, and then paste them in the
C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\xxxxxxxxxx\counter-strike source\cstrike\models\player
ç:\ Program Files文件\阀\蒸汽\ SteamApps \的XXXXXXXXXX \反恐精英源\ cstrike \型号\播放器
fodler, go and do that again with the other model you want and you are ready to play.
One more thing when you change a model over to see it again you have to restart CSS.
Some pics.

财富:100 (by amore12) | 理由: ^^谢谢你

献花 x1 回到顶端 [8 楼] From:香港特别行政区 | Posted:2009-09-28 21:02 |
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献花 x0 回到顶端 [9 楼] From:香港特别行政区 | Posted:2009-09-28 21:04 |

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