电玩史上的第一个角色 「小精灵」The Legacy of Pac-Man【本篇为全程英文讲解】
The Legacy of Pac-Man
#游戏 #娱乐·新奇 #全英文讲解
5/9 解析英语
作者 Duncan DeAeth
阅读时间 6分钟
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电玩史上的第一个角色 「小精灵」The Legacy of Pac-Man
目录 / More to Learn / 中文翻译(& 答案)
Pac-Man is by far one of the most recognizable video game characters in history. That is in large part because he was the first character to ever appear in a video game, making him the “grandfather of all video game characters.” Pac-Man was first introduced in Japan on May 22, 1980, with the release of the famous Pac-Man arcade game. The game is in many people’s memory of childhood and teenage years. Even today, up to six million players are still mad about it.
The name Pac-Man came from a Japanese expression, paku-paku taberu, which means to eat in a wild manner. The sound paku-paku mimics the sound of a person chomping their food. In English, the game was first called Puck Man but was changed to Pac-Man before it was launched in the US.
The game was created by Toru Iwatani, a Japanese video game designer. Hoping to make a game that would appeal to both men and women, Iwatani decided the focus of the game should be on eating, something that everyone can relate to. Even Pac-Man’s shape is based on food. The inspiration for Pac-Man’s character came from a pizza with a single slice removed. The space where the slice was missing became the character’s mouth.
In the video game, players must travel through a maze and eat dots of energy while avoiding the ghosts that roam the passageways. If one of the ghosts, who are named Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde, catches Pac-Man, then the player loses a life. While the concept is simple, finishing the game is anything but easy. In fact, the original Pac-Man can’t even be completed because of a glitch on the 256th level!
What Did You Learn?
1. Why did the creator of Pac-Man focus the game on eating?
2. What is the objective of the Pac-Man game?
1. To appeal to both men and women.
2. To travel through a maze and eat dots of energy while avoiding the (four) ghosts (that roam the passageways).
Words in Use
manner [ˋmænɚ]
n. 方法;态度;礼貌(恒用复数)
remove [rɪˋmuv]
vt. 移开,除去
concept [ˋkɑnsɛpt]
n. 观念,想法
original [əˋrɪdʒən!]
a. 原来的;原创的
n. 原着,原文
launch [lɔntʃ]
.vt. 发动(活动);发射(火箭、飞弹);发表(新书、新作品、新产品)
n. 发表会;(船)首次下水出航;(火箭)首次发射升空
inspiration [͵ɪnspəˋreʃən]
n. 灵感;鼓舞人心的人(或事物)
legacy [ˋlɛgəsi]
n. 遗产;历史遗产
release [rɪˋlis]
vt. & n. 释出,释放(= let go of);发行,发布
roam [rom]
vt. & n. & vi. 漫步
mimic [ˋmɪmɪk]
vt. . 模仿
n. 善于模仿(他人或动物)的人
slice [slaɪs]
n. 一片
vt. 削,切
teenage [ˋtin͵edʒ]
a. 青少年的(= teenaged[ˋtin͵edʒd])
recognizable [ˋrɛkəg͵naɪzəb!]
a. 可分辨的,认得出的
maze [mez]
n. 迷宫
by far + the + 最高级形容词 (+ N)
glitch [glɪtʃ]
n. (设备、机器的)小故障
arcade [ɑrˋked]
n. (两旁有商店的)拱廊商业街
chomp [tʃɑmp]
vt. (大声)咀嚼
passageway [ˋpæsɪdʒ͵we]
n. 通道,走廊
Practical Phrases
appeal to sb 吸引某人
I’m sure this program will appeal to children of all ages.
relate to... 对⋯⋯感同身受;认同⋯⋯
It’s oftentimes very difficult to relate to my older brother.
be anything but N/Adj. 一点也不/绝非⋯⋯
The title sounds dull, but the movie itself is anything but boring.
in a / an... manner 以⋯⋯的态度
She spoke to the naughty child in a calm manner.
an arcade game 街机游戏
in large part 在很大程度上,主要
The success of the project was in large part due to good teamwork.
More to Learn
be mad about... 对⋯⋯狂热,非常喜欢⋯⋯
• June is mad about knitting. She spends hours every day making clothes for herself and friends.
a. be crazy about... 为⋯⋯疯狂,热衷于⋯⋯
• Both Kelly and her brother are crazy about surfing.
b. be passionate about... 热爱⋯⋯
= have a passion for...
• Sean is passionate about nature, especially insects and reptiles.
c. be fond of... 喜爱/喜好⋯⋯
• Lisa has always been fond of animals and wants to become a vet.
d. be keen on... 热衷于/很喜欢⋯⋯
• Mabel is keen on sports and spends most of her free time playing badminton.
e. be into... 极喜欢⋯⋯,对⋯⋯很有兴趣
• My younger sister has been into detective novels lately.
中文翻译(& 答案)
小精灵是史上辨识度最高的电子游戏角色之一。那在 很大程度上是因为他是第一个出现在电子游戏中的角色,他 因而成为「所有电子游戏角色的祖父」。随着着名的《小精 灵》街机游戏的发行,小精灵这个角色于 1980 年五月二十 二日首次在日本推出。这款游戏是许多人童年和青少年时期 的回忆。即使在今天,仍有多达六百万位玩家为之疯狂。
小精灵这个名字来自一个日文的词语 ──「paku-paku taberu」,意思是疯狂地吃东西。「paku-paku」的声音是 模仿一个人咀嚼食物的声音。在英文中,该游戏最初被称为 《Puck Man》,但在它于美国推出前改为《Pac-Man》。
该游戏由一名日本电子游戏设计师岩谷彻所创。因为 希望制作一款对男女都具有吸引力的游戏,岩谷彻决定游戏 的焦点应该是吃 ── 每个人都能产生共鸣的事。甚至小精 灵的形状也是根据食物创造的。《小精灵》角色的灵感来自 一块去掉了一片的披萨。切片缺失的地方变成了该角色的嘴 巴。
在该款电子游戏中,玩家必须穿过一个迷宫并吃掉能 量球,同时避开在通道中游荡的幽灵。如果名叫布林奇、平 奇、英奇和克莱德的其中一个幽灵抓到小精灵,那么该玩家 就会失去一条命。虽然概念很简单,但完成游戏绝非易事。 事实上,由于第两百五十六关出现故障,原版的《小精灵》 甚至无法完全破关!
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