泡泡糖:吹起你的粉红泡泡 Blow Some Bubbles with Gum
Blow Some Bubbles with Gum
2/15 生活英语
作者 Enjoy Editors
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泡泡糖:吹起你的粉红泡泡 Blow Some Bubbles with Gum
目录 / Tips in Use 重点解析 / You Can Do This 英文试金石 / 中文翻译
The beginning of bubble gum
Before the gum that we know today was created, most chewing gum was made with chicle from sapodilla trees of Central America. The ancient Mayans chewed chicle to fight hunger. In the late 1800s, it became the primary ingredient in chewing gum throughout the US. The first bubble gum, however, was not invented until the early 1900s.
Around 1906, a confectioner named Frank Fleer wanted to develop a gum strong and stretchy enough to be blown into bubbles. He called it Blibber-Blubber. Although it could be blown into bubbles, it was too sticky to package. Later, an employee of Fleer’s company, Walter Demier, continued experimenting with Blibber- Blubber. In 1928, he discovered by accident the perfect recipe that was strong enough for bubbles, but not too sticky for packaging.
The original gum that Demier created was a dull, gray color. To make the gum look more appealing, he made it pink with some food dye he found in his lab at the time. The product was renamed Dubble Bubble and became very popular. Its pink color also set the industry standard for bubble gum products across the world.
Words in Use
standard [ˋstændɚd]
n. 标准,水准
adj. 标准的
experiment [ɪkˋspɛrəmənt]
n. & vi. 实验,试验
chew [tʃu]
.vt. & vi. 咀嚼
ingredient [ɪnˋgridɪənt]
n. (食品)成分;(成功的)要素
recipe [ˋrɛsəpɪ]
n. 食谱
appealing [əˋpilɪŋ]
a. 吸引人的
sticky [ˋstɪkɪ]
a. 黏的;(天气)湿热的
hunger [ˋhʌŋgɚ]
vi. 渴望
n. 饥饿;渴望
lab [læb]
n. 实验室
Mayan [ˋmɑjən]
n. 马雅人
Practical Phrases
by accident 无意地,意外地
Jerry hit the woman by accident and apologized to her.
experiment on sth 对某物做实验
Some researchers were experimenting on the rabbits.
experiment with sth 用某物做实验
This time I’ll experiment with a different chemical.
set a standard 树立标准
The airline company has set the standard for airplane food across the industry.
Tips in Use 重点解析
♦ enough的用法
enough 可作副词或形容词,后面通常接「to + 原形动 词」或「for + 名词」。
1. enough 作副词时,表「足够可以」,置于形容词或 副词后面修饰(如文中用法),句构如下:
Adj./Adv. + enough + to V / for N
例:Owen ran fast enough to catch the train.
例:Mary is good enough for the position.
2. enough 作形容词时,表「足够的」,置于名词前修 饰,句构如下:
enough + N + to V / for N
例:I don’t have enough energy to argue with you right now.
例:The company had enough capital for the new project.
You Can Do This 英文试金石
1. Where would this passage most likely be found?
(A) In a government report.
(B) In a food magazine.
(C) In a history journal.
(D) In a science textbook.
2 Which of the following is true about Frank Fleer?
(A) He liked to chew chicle.
(B) He invented chewing gum.
(C) He created Blibber-Blubber.
(D) He worked for Walter Demier.
答案:1. B 2. C
在今日我们所知的口香糖被创造出来之前,大部分的口香糖都是 由树胶所制成,这种树胶取自于中美洲的人心果树。古马雅人嚼树 胶以对抗饥饿。1800 年代晚期,它成为美国口香糖的主要成分。不 过,第一种泡泡糖直到 1900 年代初叶才被发明出来。
约 1906 年,一位名为弗兰克.费力尔的糖果商想研发出一种 有足够韧性及弹性、足以被吹成泡泡的口香糖。他称这种口香糖为 Blibber-Blubber。虽然它能被吹成泡泡,但它太黏了而无法包装。后 来,费力尔公司的一位员工沃尔特.迪默继续对 Blibber-Blubber 做 实验。1928 年,他意外发现一个完美的配方,让泡泡糖的韧性足以 被吹成泡泡,但包装起来又不至于太黏。
迪默所创造的第一批泡泡糖是暗灰色。为了让泡泡糖看起来更吸 睛,他用了一些当时在实验室找到的食用色素让它变成粉红色。这个 产品被重新命名为 Dubble Bubble 并大受欢迎。Dubble Bubble 的 粉红色也为全球泡泡糖产品树立了该产业的标准。
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