
[1.6][插件] 修改sma问题~(本人新手)
本人是sma新手(努力中),大大如果要把这个只可以用刀的插件,改为用刀也可用手雷,烟雾弹和闪光弹,应该如何修改。 /**************************************************** * AMX Mod X Script for Counter-Strike 1.6 * * by "SilverTide" * * Knives Only * * Version 0.1a * * Email = * * * * * * Credits: * * Billythekid - I had to use his knifes only * * plugin as a reference. * * * * Admin Commands - * * amx_knivesonly <1|0> (Default: 0) * * [ Enables or Disables knives only mode ] * * * * Client Commands- * * say /voteknivesonly * * [ Starts a vote for knives only mode ] * * * * * * PLUGIN DESCRIPTION : ----------------- * * Users will be forced to use knives * * only, any other weapons will be * * removed. * * * ****************************************************/ #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <fun> new knifeonly = 0; new choice[2]; new voteknivesonly[] = "\yKnives Only?\w^n^n1. On^n2. Off"; public plugin_init () { register_plugin ( "Knives Only", "0.1a", "SilverTide" ); register_concmd ( "amx_knivesonly", "cmdknives_only", ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "- Turns on or off Knives Only." ); register_concmd ( "amx_voteknivesonly", "cmdvoteknives_only", ADMIN_VOTE, "- Begins a vote to enable Knives Only." ); register_concmd ( "say /voteknivesonly", "cmdvote", ADMIN_VOTE, "- Begins a vote to enable Knives Only." ); register_menucmd ( register_menuid("\yKnives Only?"), (1<<0)|(1<<1), "count_votes" ); register_event ( "CurWeapon", "knife", "b" ); } public cmdknives_only ( id ) { new arg[2]; read_argv ( 1, arg, 1 ); set_hudmessage ( 200, 100, 0, -1.0, 0.25, 0, 1.0, 5.0, 0.1, 0.2, 2 ); if ( equal ( arg, "1" ) ) { knifeonly = 1; client_cmd ( id, "weapon_knife" ); console_print ( id, "Knives Only has been turned on." ); show_hudmessage ( 0, "Knives Only has been turned on." ); } else if ( equal ( arg, "0" ) ) { knifeonly = 0 console_print ( id, "Knives Only has been turned off." ); show_hudmessage ( 0, "Knives Only has been turned off." ); } else { if ( knifeonly == 0 ){ console_print ( id, "Usage: amx_knivesonly 1 = 0n 0 = off Currently: OFF" ); } if ( knifeonly == 1 ){ console_print ( id, "Usage: amx_knivesonly 1 = 0n 0 = off Currently: ON" ); } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public knife ( id ) { if ( knifeonly == 0 ) { // Do Nothing; } if ( knifeonly == 1 ) { new clip, ammo; new usersweapon = get_user_weapon ( id, clip, ammo ); if ( usersweapon == CSW_KNIFE ) { // Do Nothing } else { // Bury player and strip of weapons, then return to starting position new origin[3]; get_user_origin ( id, origin ); origin[2] -= 500; set_user_origin ( id, origin ); new iwpn, iwpns[32], nwpn[32]; get_user_weapons ( id, iwpns, iwpn ); for ( new a = 0; a < iwpn; ++a ) { get_weaponname ( iwpns[a], nwpn, 31 ); engclient_cmd ( id, "drop", nwpn ); } new origin2[3]; get_user_origin ( id, origin2 ); origin2[2] += 500; set_user_origin ( id, origin2 ); // Select the knife client_cmd ( id, "weapon_knife" ); } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public cmdvote ( id ) { new Float:voting = get_cvar_float ( "amx_last_voting" ); if ( voting > get_gametime () ) { client_print ( id, print_chat, "*A vote has already been cast.*" ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if ( voting && voting + get_cvar_float ( "amx_vote_delay" ) > get_gametime() ) { client_print ( id, print_chat, "*Please wait for a short while before you are able to vote again.*" ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } new menu_msg[256]; new name[32]; format ( menu_msg, 255, voteknivesonly ); new Float:votetime = get_cvar_float("amx_vote_time") + 10.0; get_user_info ( id, "name", name, 31 ); set_cvar_float ( "amx_last_voting", get_gametime() + votetime ); show_menu ( 0, (1<<0)|(1<<1), menu_msg, floatround ( votetime ) ); set_hudmessage ( 200, 0, 0, 0.05, 0.65, 2, 0.02, 30.0, 0.03, 0.3, 2 ); show_hudmessage ( 0, "%s has started the Vote for knivesonly", name ); set_task ( votetime, "check_the_votes" ); choice[0] = choice[1] = 0; return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public cmdvoteknives_only ( id ) { new Float:voting = get_cvar_float ( "amx_last_voting" ); if ( voting > get_gametime () ) { client_print ( id, print_chat, "*A vote has already been cast.*" ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if ( voting && voting + get_cvar_float( "amx_vote_delay" ) > get_gametime () ) { client_print ( id, print_chat, "*Please wait for a short while before you are able to vote again.*" ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } new menu_msg[256]; format ( menu_msg, 255, voteknivesonly ); new Float:votetime = get_cvar_float ( "amx_vote_time" ) + 10.0; set_cvar_float ( "amx_last_voting", get_gametime() + votetime ); show_menu ( 0, (1<<0)|(1<<1), menu_msg, floatround ( votetime ) ); set_task ( votetime, "check_the_votes" ); client_print ( 0, print_chat, "*Voting has started.*" ); choice[0] = choice[1] = 0; return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public count_votes ( id, key ) { if ( get_cvar_float ( "amx_vote_answers" ) ) { new name[32]; get_user_name ( id, name, 31 ); client_print ( 0, print_chat, "* %s voted %s", name, key ? "against knives only" : "for knives only" ); } ++choice[key]; return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public check_the_votes ( id ) { if ( choice[0] > choice[1] ) { server_cmd ( "amx_knivesonly 1" ); client_print ( 0, print_chat, "* Knives Only Mode has been voted on. (On ^"%d^") (Off ^"%d^"). *", choice[0], choice[1] ); } else { server_cmd ( "amx_knivesonly 0" ); client_print ( 0, print_chat, "* Knives Only Mode has been voted off. (On ^"%d^") (Off ^"%d^"). *", choice[0], choice[1] ); } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; }
[ 此文章被☆孤独x朱在2011-02-01 21:28重新编辑 ]