
[1.6] 國外論壇找的 無聲隱形 請高手幫忙原碼 繁體化
國外論壇找的 無聲隱形 請高手幫繁體化 另外需要的人 可以下載去用看看 此外 我不知道 這道具 是人類.喪屍都能用 還是只有人類... (這點請看的懂原碼的人 幫忙解說一下 感謝)
/* / / / [ZP] Extra Item : Invisible / (ability for Humans and Zombies) / / by The_Thing / / / / Description : / / Have You ever wanted that if there are so many zombies around You and then You can't escape from them? / Now You can just buy this ability and You will be invisible untill You will be dead. / Same for zombies. If there are so many Humans around You and can't hide from them then now You can, just buy this ability. / / / / Cvars : / / zp_invisible <1|0> - Default is 1 / zp_invisible_cost "55" - How much this ability will cost to You / zp_invisble_amount "55" - Amount of invisible / zp_invisible_long "15.0" - How long you will have invisibility / / / Command : / / say /invis to buy invisibility or say it in team chat, / say_team /invis / / / / Credits : / / Antibots - For little helping / / / / Changelog : / / 19/10/2008 - v1.0 - First release / 19/10/2008 - v1.1 - fixed invisibility and removed unnecessary cvar. / 19/10/2008 - v1.1.1 - changed to lower render that at least someone could notice invisible person. / 19/10/2008 - v1.1.2 - changed plugin name / 19/10/2008 - v1.2 - removed unnecessary code and fun module, added some new one and using fakemeta instead. (Thanks for Antibots) / 19/10/2008 - v1.2.1 - changed render stuff / 24/10/2008 - v1.3 - rewrited plugin, added some cvars and commands. / 25/10/2008 - v1.3.1 - fixed small typo. (Thanks to Mlk27) / 22/11/2008 - v1.3.2 - added cvar for invisible amount / 04/12/2008 - v1.3.4 - fixed invisible was working all the time, added cvar for after how long time invisibility will end. / 05/12/2008 - v1.3.6 - corrected chat messages, added message when invisibility are over, changed glow shell cuz that was possibly for player glowing. / */ #include <amxmodx> #include <fakemeta> #include <zombieplague>#define PLUGIN "[ZP] Extra Item : Invisible" #define VERSION "1.3.6" #define AUTHOR "The_Thing" new g_item_name[] = { "Invisible" } new g_itemid_invisible, invisible_toggle, invisible_amount, invisible_cost, invisible_long new bool:g_hasInvisible[33]public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) invisible_toggle = register_cvar("zp_invisible", "1") invisible_cost = register_cvar("zp_invisible_cost", "55") invisible_amount = register_cvar("zp_invisble_amount", "55") invisible_long = register_cvar("zp_invisible_long", "15.0") register_clcmd("say /invis", "buy_invisible") register_clcmd("say_team /invis", "buy_invisible") register_event("DeathMsg", "Death", "a") register_event("HLTV", "event_round_start", "a", "1=0", "2=0") g_itemid_invisible = zp_register_extra_item(g_item_name, get_pcvar_num(invisible_cost), ZP_TEAM_HUMAN & ZP_TEAM_ZOMBIE) }public client_connect(id) { g_hasInvisible[id] = false fm_set_rendering(id, kRenderFxNone, 0,0,0,kRenderNormal, 255) }public client_disconnect(id) { g_hasInvisible[id] = false fm_set_rendering(id, kRenderFxNone, 0,0,0,kRenderNormal, 255) }public Death() { g_hasInvisible[read_data(2)] = false }public event_round_start() { for (new i = 1; i <= 32; i++) { g_hasInvisible[i] = false fm_set_rendering(i, kRenderFxNone, 0,0,0,kRenderNormal, 255) }}public zp_extra_item_selected(player, itemid) { if (itemid == g_itemid_invisible) { g_hasInvisible[player] = true fm_set_rendering(player,kRenderFxGlowShell,0,0,0,kRenderTransAlpha, get_pcvar_num(invisible_amount)) set_task(get_pcvar_float(invisible_long), "invisible_over", player) client_print(player, print_chat, "[ZP] You are now invisible, have fun to hunt.") } }public buy_invisible(id) { if ( get_pcvar_num(invisible_toggle) == 0 ) { client_print(id, print_chat, "[ZP] Invisibility are disabled.") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } if ( is_user_alive(id) && zp_get_user_zombie(id) ) { client_print(id, print_chat, "[ZP] You have bought invisible ability.") return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } if ( !is_user_alive(id) ) { client_print(id, print_chat, "[ZP] You are DEAD, you can't buy anything.") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } if ( g_hasInvisible[id] ) { client_print(id, print_chat, "[ZP] You already bought this ability") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } new money = zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id) if ( money < get_pcvar_num(invisible_cost) ) { client_print(id, print_chat, "[ZP] You don't have enough ammo packs to buy this ability") return PLUGIN_HANDLED } g_hasInvisible[id] = true fm_set_rendering(id,kRenderFxGlowShell,0,0,0,kRenderTransAlpha, get_pcvar_num(invisible_amount)) set_task(get_pcvar_float(invisible_long), "invisible_over", id) client_print(id, print_chat, "[ZP] You are now invisible, have fun to hunt.") zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, money - get_pcvar_num(invisible_cost)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED }public invisible_over(id) { g_hasInvisible[id] = false fm_set_rendering(id, kRenderFxNone, 0,0,0,kRenderNormal, 255) client_print(id, print_chat, "[ZP] Invisibility are over...") }stock fm_set_rendering(entity, fx = kRenderFxNone, r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, render = kRenderNormal, amount = 16) { new Float:RenderColor[3]; RenderColor[0] = float(r); RenderColor[1] = float(g); RenderColor[2] = float(b); set_pev(entity, pev_renderfx, fx); set_pev(entity, pev_rendercolor, RenderColor); set_pev(entity, pev_rendermode, render); set_pev(entity, pev_renderamt, float(amount)); return 1; }