
To deduct home expense allocated to your business,you,as a self-employed person, must be able to prove that you use the home area exclusively and on a regular basis as a place of business. 减少家中支出而分配到你的事业上,你,做为一个雇用自己的人,必须证明你专注地和经常地使用家中领域为一个做生意的地方。 Just as railroads and telegraphs in the mid-19th century made copyright and patent theft commercially important,so the Internent and associated information technologies redefined the market for inventions. 十九世纪中期,当铁路和电报刚刚说明了着作权和专利的仿冒盗取是商业上重要的,所以网际网路和其有关的资讯技术为发明重新定义了它的市场。