【轉貼網址】 http://www.cnbeta.com/...56578.htm微軟打破沉默:Windows 7沒有新內核!
http://www.cnbeta.com/...56578.htm微軟最近對Windows 7的評論逐漸多了起來,今天官方Windows Vista Team Blog又爆出消息:Windows 7沒有開發新內核的計劃.
之前的傳聞一直在聲稱下一代Windows內核叫“Minwin”,並稱其非常短小和高效,但微軟官方卻表示,他們並不會對Windows 7重新開發一個新的內核,而將繼續從Windows Vista的基礎上進行改進和優化,這意味著Windows 7將繼續對之前的程序和設備保持兼容性,也不會對之前的基礎用戶體驗做出太大變動.
Windows Vista established a very solid foundation, particularly on subsystems such as graphics, audio, and storage. Windows Server 2008 was built on that foundation and Windows 7 will be as well. Contrary to some speculation, Microsoft is not creating a new kernel for Windows 7.
Rather, we are refining the kernel architecture and componentization model introduced in Windows Vista.
While these changes will increase our engineering agility, they will not impact the user experience or reduce application or hardware compatibility. In fact, one of our design goals for Windows 7 is that it will run on the recommended hardware we specified for Windows Vista and that the applications and devices that work with Windows Vista will be compatible with Windows 7.
http://windowsvist...om/blog ... ting-windows-7.aspx
Windows 7的新界面即將由蓋茨公佈出來.新的系統將包含一系列新的感官與控制技術,包括語音識別,觸摸感應,手寫識別等.上一個D6會議,蓋茨向我們展示了“Surface ”多點觸摸技術,這一技術已經得到了小範圍的商用.而未來,這一技術將隨著Windows 7和触摸屏顯示器進入千家萬戶,Windows的功能將因此而得到增強,以下是令人驚嘆的視頻演示--圖像,地圖,衛星圖,彈琴等,(視頻位於Soapbox,觀看起來有點困難,如不能看請採用代理方式)
http://video.msn.com/video.as...65659dd1f14f照這樣來看Vista只不過是過渡時期的產品,真正完整版的是Windows 7,但是觸控式螢幕使用上真的有滑鼠那麼方便


