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推文 x0
AppDefend v1.300 Alpha A3
AppDefend v1.300 Alpha A3

Changes since last version
-"Always remember my action" now works with RegDefend
-Improved stack usage during an ask user event for both AppDefend and RegDefend
-Removed a few unnecessary tasks from a blocked AD/RD event
-Improved RegDefend flag handling on allowed and blocked events
-Faster and simpler process discard technique used for RegDefend
-Installer now makes sure to delete any rule files from previous versions during installation

-Uninstall your current Ghost Security Suite (make backups of the config files if you want to reuse them) before installing the alpha
-If you run into *ANY* trouble, simply boot into safe mode and uninstall (or remove ghostsec.sys in c:\windows\system32\drivers)
-The driver WILL NOT run in safe mode, without the driver active you will have NO system problems related to GSS/AD
-There is no new gss.exe (front end), so it will still say it is v1.200 alpha in that, you can edit AppDefend rules, but RegDefend cannot be accessed through gss.exe yet

This is a "stop gap" release containing some fairly significant internal updates to the RegDefend kernel engine and some smaller changes to AppDefend. As it is now the driver is mostly complete, with only some more default RD rules to be added and other small things. The new GSS GUI is being worked on and is still a few weeks away, but it is shaping up quite nicely, so expect a BETA in a few weeks. I was going to delay this driver update until the BETA, but the GUI is taking slightly longer than I expected and there was no real reason to hold it back.

It hasn't been tested as extensively internally as my driver updates usually are, so if you find any issues report them like usual. I'll be releasing a new separate build tomorrow which doesn't have the network code attached ( to help track down some bugs and give some a working version ), so if you get the complaints in quick they will be fixed if small..


三秒繁體化 簡單又好笑
英文不夠好 無法全面化
實在很抱歉 喜歡自己下
不喜請自化 僅抱服務心


爸爸 你一路好走
獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:臺灣和信超媒體寬帶網 | Posted:2007-11-03 08:58 |

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