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[分享] WCG 新专案  (AfricanClimate@Home)
Project Status and Findings:  
A status report and detailed information about this project will be posted on the web pages of this site and provided by project scientists at AfricanClimate@Home. If you have comments or questions about this project, please visit the AfricanClimate@Home forums.

The mission of AfricanClimate@Home is to develop more accurate climate models of specific regions in Africa. This will serve as a basis for understanding how the climate will change in the future so that measures designed to alleviate the adverse effects of climate change can be implemented. World Community Grid's tremendous computing power will be used to understand and reduce the uncertainty with which climate processes are simulated over Africa.

Global climate change is currently recognized as one of the most pressing problems facing the world community. The negative impacts of global climate change are of great concern in all areas of the world. However, it is widely recognized that the impacts will be felt most acutely in underdeveloped countries, where the infrastructure and access to appropriate healthcare and other social services, which are critical to alleviating and responding to the effects of climate changes, is often lacking.

In this regard, Africa, a continent vulnerable to climate-related stresses, faces severe challenges. The multiple effects of a variable climate within Africa are clearly demonstrated by the widespread floods in Mozambique in 2000 and 2001, which left more than half a million people homeless and killed hundreds, as well as the poor rains experienced over much of southern Africa in recent years that have contributed to pervasive food shortages. It is currently unclear how the frequency of climate extremes will change in the future, but if left unchecked, Africa's current social problems could be exacerbated, leading to even greater devastation and loss of life.

关于这个项目的情况报告和详细的资讯将被张贴在这个站点网页和 假设由项目科学家在AfricanClimate@Home。如果您有关于这个项目的评论或问题, 请参观 AfricanClimate@Home 论坛。

AfricanClimate@Home 的使命是开发具体地区更加准确的气候模型在非洲。这将服务为据为了解怎么的气候在将来将改变以便措施被设计缓和气候变化的不利影响可能被实施。世界公共栅格的巨大计算能力将被用于了解和减少气候过程被模仿在非洲的不确定性。

全球性气候变化当前被认可作为紧迫的问题的当中一个面对世界社区。全球性气候变化的负面地影响是忧虑在世界的所有区域。但是, 它广泛被认可, 冲击最深刻地将感觉在发展不充分的国家, 对适当的医疗保健和其它福利事业的基础设施和通入, 对缓和和反应气候变化的作用至关重要, 经常缺乏。

就此, 非洲, 大陆脆弱对与气候相关的重音, 面对严厉挑战。易变的气候的多个作用在非洲范围内由普遍洪水清楚地展示在莫桑比克2000 年和2001 年, 左更多比50 万人无家可归和被杀死的上百, 并且恶劣的雨有经验的南非近年来对弥漫的食物短缺贡献了。它当前是不明的怎么气候极端频率在将来将改变, 但如果留给未经检查, 非洲的当前社会问题能被恶化, 导致更加巨大的毁灭和丧生

AfricanClimate@Home, 设备最低要求:
  至少256 RAM (与虚拟记忆体使能)
  1 GB 硬碟运算空间可使用
  显示模式 GeForce 6200 以上
  网路连接最小值 756 kbps 速度
  作业系统: Win98, Me, 2000 或 XP

[ 此文章被Fielding在2007-09-06 19:35重新编辑 ]

财富:100 (by mickey97) | 理由: 感谢热心提供分享 ^^

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾中华HiNet | Posted:2007-09-06 17:33 |
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http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/fo...ead?thread=16924 <--来源 W.C.G. Forums 资讯
Launch of Help Conquer Cancer Project

Launch of the Help Conquer Cancer Project

World Community Grid is pleased to launch the Help Conquer Cancer project by the Ontario Cancer Institute (OCI), Princess Margaret Hospital and University Health Network of Toronto, Canada. The mission of Help Conquer Cancer is to improve the results of protein X-ray crystallography, which helps researchers not only annotate unknown parts of the human proteome, but importantly improves their understanding of cancer initiation, progression and treatment. For additional information on this project, please press the Research button in the upper navigation bar or click here.

全球社区网格高兴地开展帮助征服癌症计划,由加拿大安大略省癌症研究所(保监处) ,玛嘉烈医院和大学卫生网的加拿大多伦多。该特派团的帮助征服癌症,是提高成绩的蛋白质x射线晶体学,这将有助研究人员不仅诠释未知部分的人类蛋白质,但重要的,提高了认识,癌症的启动,进展和治疗。额外信息关于这个项目,请按下按钮研究中上部的导航栏或点击这里。

In addition to providing information about this project, we have created a forum for discussions about the Help Conquer Cancer project. To participate in this forum, please press the Forums button in the upper navigation bar or click here. Only forum authors with the title "Help Conquer Cancer Scientist" are authorized to comment as representatives of the research organization: University Health Network (Toronto, Canada).

Project Participation
Help Conquer Cancer is the ninth research project to be launched on World Community Grid and one of five projects currently active. The other four active research projects are: AfricanClimate@Home, (launched August, 2007), Discover Dengue Drugs – Together (launched August, 2007), Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2 (launched July, 2006) and FightAIDS@Home, (launched November, 2005). For more detailed information and FAQs about each of these projects, please click on the Research button in the upper navigation bar or click here. We thank all of our members for all of their valuable contributions to the projects to date and hope you will continue to help us process those, as well as this latest project.
帮助征服癌症是第九届研究项目,以展开对世界共同体网格计划,其中5个项目,目前活跃。其他四个活跃的研究项目是: africanclimate @家( 8月发射, 2007年) ,发现登革热药物-连同( 8月发射, 2 007年) ,人类蛋白质折叠-第二期( 7月发起,2 0 06年)和f i ghtaids@家(推出11月, 2005年) 。为更详细的资料和常见问题,逐一介绍这些项目,请点击,就中心的研究按钮上的导航栏或点击这里。我们感谢我们的所有成员都为他们的宝贵的贡献,该项目到目前为止,并希望你们继续帮助我们这些过程,以及这一最新计划。

Because there are five research projects running on World Community Grid, your grid agent could receive work units from any of the projects. You may elect to focus your computer's time on only particular projects, if you have a preference. To do so, press the My Grid button in the upper navigation bar and select My Projects or click here. Please note, that members were not automatically opted in to the AfricanClimate@Home project due to the computationally intensive code. To read more specifics on the system requirements for Help Conquer Cancer and the other projects, click here.

If you are already a member of World Community Grid, running the BOINC version of our software, there's nothing that you have to do to prepare for the Help Cure Cancer project. The next time your grid agent communicates with the servers, it will send you a work unit from one of the projects at random for which your machine meets the minimum requirements and according to your project participation election preference. To know which project you are running, please double-click on World Community Grid icon in the system tray, and you will see the title of the project in the display. To contribute to the Help Conquer Cancer project, you will need to be using the BOINC software rather than the United Devices software. If you are running the United Devices version of our software, you should use this occasion to migrate to the BOINC software so that you may participate in all current and future research projects. You may migrate to BOINC by following the instructions here. Migrating is easy and takes less than 5 minutes. The install process even uninstalls the UD software for you automatically.

If you have any questions, World Community Grid provides you with four methods of obtaining assistance: (1) Review the FAQs found in the Help section of the website; (2) Review the forums to see if anyone has asked/answered the question that you have; (3) Ask the question in an appropriate World Community Grid forum found here, and a Community Advisor or a more experienced member will provide an answer; and (4) Send an email to the support desk from the Contact Us link found at the bottom of every page of the website (except in the forums).

Thank you!
[Edit 1 times, last edit by nelsoc at Nov 1, 2007 8:30:38 PM]

http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/project...wHcc1Main.do<--来源 WCG官网资讯
Help Conquer Cancer

Project Status and Findings:
Information about this project is provided on the web pages below and by the project scientists on the Help Conquer Cancer website. To comment or ask questions about this project, please submit a post in the Help Conquer Cancer forum.

The mission of Help Conquer Cancer is to improve the results of protein X-ray crystallography, which helps researchers not only annotate unknown parts of the human proteome, but importantly improves their understanding of cancer initiation, progression and treatment.

In order to significantly impact the understanding of cancer and its treatment, novel therapeutic approaches capable of targeting metastatic disease (or cancers spreading to other parts of the body) must not only be discovered, but also diagnostic markers (or indicators of the disease), which can detect early stage disease, must be identified.

Researchers have been able to make important discoveries when studying multiple human cancers, even when they have limited or no information at all about the involved proteins. However, to better understand and treat cancer, it is important for scientists to discover novel proteins involved in cancer, and their structure and function.

Scientists are especially interested in proteins that may have a functional relationship with cancer. These are proteins that are either over-expressed or repressed in cancers, or proteins that have been modified or mutated in ways that result in structural changes to them.

Improving X-ray crystallography will enable researchers to determine the structure of many cancer-related proteins faster. This will lead to improving our understanding of the function of these proteins and enable potential pharmaceutical interventions to treat this deadly disease.

BOINC (Only)

[ 此文章被alexpon在2007-11-04 09:32重新编辑 ]

古诗:手把青秧插满田 低头便见水中天 心地清静方为道 退步原来是向前
献花 x0 回到顶端 [1 楼] From:台湾 | Posted:2007-11-04 08:49 |

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