
Greetings and Happy Holidays!
First of all, on behalf of United Devices I’d like to thank each and every one of you for your steadfast support of this unique, invaluable resource. For the last several years, has played an important role in some tremendously important research and it is the largest and most respected volunteer-based grid of its kind in existence. None of that would be possible without all of you!
We have some exciting information to convey concerning status and plans – but before I do that, please allow me to express our sincere regret for the frustrations that some of you have been experiencing lately. During the past year we have had technical difficulties with that have contributed to your frustrations, but we have changes planned that should significantly improve your experience.
These are some of the plan highlights we have for in the coming months:
We will migrate the software to the latest version. Planning for this is well underway, and the migration will begin in the first quarter of 2007! In the first quarter (Jan-Mar) of 2007, we’ll begin a Beta Program (see below) in preparation for the final upgrade to the new release. We will perform the entire upgrade to the new version by end of Q2 of 2007.
The following new features will be introduced with the latest version.
- Support for multi-processor and multi-core machines - Support for cache ahead so that users can request multiple work units - Enhanced non-intrusiveness options - The possibility for members to generate their own tools, GUIs, and reports using a new Grid MP Agent API - New look and feel for the Grid MP Agent GUI - Improved support for Microsoft XP operating system – enhances support for multi-users and allows fast user switching - Support for Microsoft Vista operating system (both 32-bit and 64-bit) - Support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 - Overall performance improvements to the grid - General defect repairs
Right now our outreach committee is actively working on reviewing and selecting new projects to run on the updated software. The initial conversations we’ve been having look very promising and we should be ready to make an announcement about the selected project by end of Q1 2007, to launch in the May-June timeframe. Your active co-operation in the Beta program will be key toward expediting this process!
As mentioned above, we will implement a Beta program and ask for volunteers to help with Beta testing of the new system. This program will initially be implemented with a target of 100 volunteers as the first phase of the upgrade to the new version of The Beta program will run for several weeks and is intended to identify any deployment issues that might be lingering in the new version so we can resolve them prior to the upgrade of the entire member community. We will provide you with additional details and initiate a call for Beta volunteers shortly before we begin the program.
Thank you once again for your continued support of We’re looking forward to keeping you informed on status of the initiatives outlined above – visit this site regularly for more information.
Mary Bass Directory of Marketing United Devices, Inc. Austin, Texas 78759
2006 12 11 祝各位佳節愉快 首先,我要代表UD感謝大家長久以來堅定的付出你們無價的資源,在近幾年來,UD在這些巨大的研究計畫中扮演重要的角色,同時它也是目前最大的分散式運算計畫之一,當然 沒有你們的付出這些都不可能會達成!
以下是最進幾個月就會實行的幾項要點 我們將會更新目前的UD程式至最新版! 這項計畫已經正在進行了,預計2007年第一季測試版就會出來,在明年的第一季我們會完成測試最新的版本並在第二季之前完全更新完畢 以下是新版程式的新功能 1.支援多處理器和多核心 2.支援快取讓使用者能下載更多任務備用 3.增強non-intrusiveness 的選項 (譯按:不懂non-intrusiveness是什麼意思) 4.提供API 可支援使用者自訂GUI畫面或自己的外掛小程式等等的到UD程式上去 5.新的GUI畫面 6.支援XP系統-允許快速切換使用者 7.支援VISTA-32bit&64bit 8.支援IE7 9.整體效能改進 10.修補前版缺陷
同時我們的委員會也正在審查要放在新版軟體上跑的新的PROJECT,我們將會在2007 Q1一起宣布是哪個新PROJECT被選定,然後在五到六月會正式丟下去RUN,你們在BETA版程式所給的意見會幫助這程式的改進