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[ 此文章被Cora在2006-09-29 21:04重新编辑 ]

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾亚太线上 | Posted:2006-09-24 22:30 |
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1、He is rich or poor according to what he is, not according to what he has. He is rich who values a good name above gold.
  他是富有或贫穷取决于他个人是甚么, 不是取决于他拥有甚么. 富有的人拥有很高的名声超于黄金的价值.

2、Doris gave no sign of good looks, her nose was too long and her figure was lumpy; so that Mrs Garstin could hope no more for her than that she should marry a young man who was well off and in a suitable profession.
  多莉丝(Doris) 没有美丽的外表, 她有很长的鼻及笨重的身型; 所以嘉丝汀太太(Mrs Garstin) 对她与一名外表英俊的专业人仕结婚并没有任何希望.

3、Suppose you thing of an important idea. unless you can write it down, your idea will probably die when you do.Even if you do write it down, it perishes as soon as the mice eat the paper, which they often do and do quickly.
  假设你有个重要的构想. 除非你把它写下来, 否则当你实行时你的构想便可能会消失得无影无踪. 但即使你把构想写下来, 纸张也很快被老鼠吃掉, 它们是经常很快地行动.

4、Elliott was too clever not to see that many of the persons who accepted his invitations did so only to get a free meal and that of these some were stupid and some worthless.
  艾里奥(Elliott) 太聪明但很多答应他面试的人只是为了免费膳食而来, 应征者有一些太笨拙, 有一些也不值得这样的待遇.

5、Twenty years had passed since then. He kept up a busy correspondence with various great ladies and his letters were amusing and chatty. he never lost his love for titled persons and paid no attention to the announcement in the Times of their comings and goings. He perused the column which records births, deaths, and marriages, and he was always ready with his letter of congratulation or condolence.
  二十年已过去了. 他仍然忙碌地用有趣及饶舌的书信联系不同的女仕. 他并未因为女伴已婚而失去关注, 他仍记录女伴与他的合与离. 他仍翻阅她们的生日, 死忌及婚期, 因为他随时也为女仕们准备恭贺或慰问的信件.

很刁钻,不知翻译得对不对,是你自己作出来的 ?

献花 x1 回到顶端 [1 楼] From:未知地址 | Posted:2006-09-25 16:08 |
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下面是引用apapong于2006-09-25 16:08发表的 :
5、Twenty years had passed since then. He kept up a busy correspondence with various great ladies and his letters were amusing and chatty. he never lost his love for titled persons and paid no attention to the announcement in the Times of their comings and goings. He perused the column which records births, deaths, and marriages, and he was always ready with his letter of congratulation or condolence.   二十年已过去了. 他仍然忙碌地用有趣及饶舌的书信联系不同的女仕. 他并未因为女伴已婚而失去关注, 他仍记录女伴与他的合与离. 他仍翻阅她们的生日, 死忌及婚期, 因为他随时也为女仕们准备恭贺或慰问的信件.

哥,我觉得你这句翻译得不太好,粉红色highlighted的phase, 应该没有no, 那么整句句子上文下理才通顺.(如我所译)

Twenty years had passed since then. He kept up a busy correspondence with various great ladies and his letters were amusing and chatty. he never lost his love for titled persons and paid no attention to the announcement in the Times of their comings and goings. He perused the column which records births, deaths, and marriages, and he was always ready with his letter of congratulation or condolence.

不经不觉已过了20年, 他仍然跟那些名女人保持书信往来, 而他的信仍然是有趣味的及闲话家常. 他由始至终都对名人爱恋, 往往留意在Times内有关她们的消息. 他留心阅览有关她们的新生儿消息, 死讯及结婚启事, 至于祝贺信及慰问信他是随时准备好的.

献花 x1 回到顶端 [2 楼] From:未知地址 | Posted:2006-09-26 13:31 |
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1、He is rich or poor according to what he is, not according to what he has. He is rich who values a good name above gold.


2、Doris gave no sign of good looks, her nose was too long and her figure was lumpy; so that Mrs Garstin could hope no more for her than that she should marry a young man who was well off and in a suitable profession.

所以Mrs. Garstin只希望她可以嫁一个富裕及有才能的男人

3、Suppose you thing of an important idea. unless you can write it down, your idea will probably die when you do.Even if you do write it down, it perishes as soon as the mice eat the paper, which they often do and do quickly.

(我查过那句子似乎不是谚语或成语 但不肯定)

4、Elliott was too clever not to see that many of the persons who accepted his invitations did so only to get a free meal and that of these some were stupid and some worthless.

Elliott 太聪明地不理会大部份接受他邀请的人只是为了有免费午餐

- 子恒 -
献花 x1 回到顶端 [3 楼] From:未知地址 | Posted:2006-09-26 15:52 |
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终于把每个句子都搞定了 表情


可是翻起来就是有那么一点怪 表情

献花 x1 回到顶端 [4 楼] From:台湾亚太线上 | Posted:2006-09-26 22:28 |
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下面是引用Cora于2006-09-26 22:28发表的 :
终于把每个句子都搞定了 表情


这几段文字是从哪抄出来的 ?

功课 ?

- 子恒 -
献花 x1 回到顶端 [5 楼] From:未知地址 | Posted:2006-09-26 22:44 |
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He is rich who values a good name above gold.

这一句翻成「尽管他是个富人但他珍惜好的名声更胜于财富」这样会比较通顺。 表情 表情
其他的我目前没时间看,有空我再来看一下,不好意思,正忙着。 表情 表情

so that Mrs Garstin could hope no more for her than that she should marry a young man who was well off and in a suitable profession.

这一句的重点是no more...than=not any more...than(两者皆不之意)
ex. Mary is no more beautiful than Jane(两者皆不漂亮)

所以上一句正确的翻译:[所以Mrs. Garstin对她并无厚望,更不用提她会嫁给一位多金并有正职的年轻男人。」

Elliott was too clever not to see that many of the persons who accepted his invitations did so only to get a free meal and that of these some were stupid and some worthless.

ex. too...to=太...以致不   The girl is too young to be married.(太小以致不能结婚)

ex. too...not to=太...以致可 She is too clever not to know the truth.(她太聪明以致明白事理)


[ 此文章被Davis在2006-12-24 03:06重新编辑 ]

献花 x0 回到顶端 [6 楼] From:台湾 | Posted:2006-12-24 02:09 |

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