
灵命日粮 - 2005年3月26日 读经: 罗马书12章14-21节
金句: 「……要爱你们的仇敌,为那逼迫你们的祷告。」(马太福音5章44节)
全年读经: 撒母耳记上1-3章
令人无法理解,主耶稣如何能为那残酷的行刑者祷告,求上帝饶恕他们(路加福音23章34节)。我们常为自己不肯原谅他人而寻找藉口,强调祂是上帝,而我们却是罪人。但是主耶稣呼召我们,跟从祂至圣的榜样。 实现圣经的教导并非易事,举例而言,我们很难真诚地向上帝祈求,饶恕我们的仇敌以及那些羞辱看轻我们的人,然而上帝明确地告诉我们:「为那逼迫你们的祷告」(马太福音5章44节)。
当我们不饶恕他人, 上帝的祝福被阻挡; 我们必须除去固执, 并根治骄傲的罪性。Sper
磨掉根深蒂固的苦毒,必须以上帝的恩典耕耘。 ***************************************************************************************************** Grace To Forgive
Read:Romans 12:14-21 Love your enemies, . . . and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you. —Matthew 5:44
Bible In One Year: 1 Samuel 1-3
It is difficult to understand how the Lord Jesus could pray for His brutal executioners to be forgiven (Luke 23:34). We often try to excuse our unforgiving hearts by arguing that He was God, whereas we are sinful creatures. But Jesus calls us to follow His divine example.
Putting into practice the Bible's directives isn't easy. For example, it's hard to pray sincerely for God to forgive our enemies and those who humiliate and belittle us. Yet God's Word is crystal-clear: "Pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you" (Matthew 5:44).
As we lift our eyes to the Lord in prayer, we can be Spirit-enabled to put into practice His most difficult directives. Think of someone toward whom you have harbored a bitter spirit. Ransack your memory if necessary. As you consider that your feelings for that person, pray: "Lord, flood my heart with compassion, and purge away my unforgiving spirit. Help me to 'live peaceably with all men'" (Romans 12:18).
If multitudes of Christians did that, what a transforming difference it would make in our marriages, our homes, and our churches. We could have a big influence on our hate-filled world. —Vernon Grounds
When others we will not forgive, God's blessings are denied; We must forsake our stubbornness And banish sinful pride. —Sper
Ground that is filled with roots of bitterness needs to be plowed by the grace of God.