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目录 / Tips in Use 重点解析 / You Can Do This 英文试金石 / 中文翻译
科技新知 |本篇为「公开精选文章」想看其他「Premium文章」请订阅 IVY Engrest!|本集 精彩教学影片(讲解老师:Chris & Minnie 老师)


How to tell if images are real or AI-generated

  AI artwork is amazing, and it’s becoming more impressive every day. It can already copy the style of famous artists and create images of famous people. In fact, it’s getting harder to tell the difference between real photos and images created by AI. However, there are still ways to spot AI-generated content if you know what to look for.

  One trick is to zoom in closely on the image. AI often struggles with small details, so you might notice odd pixels or shapes that don’t quite fit. Look closely at people’s skin, too. If it seems too smooth and perfect, there is a good chance that it is made by AI. Another clue is the lighting and reflections. Check if shadows line up correctly or if light reflects naturally in people’s eyes. AI commonly fails to get these correct.

  If you’re not sure about an image, you can also try doing a reverse image search online. This method can help you track down the source of the image and determine whether it has been altered in some way. Remember that even newsworthy images can be fake. If an image is trending on social media but you can’t find it on trustworthy platforms, it’s always wise to question whether it’s real or fake.

Words in Use

recognize [ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz]

vt. 认出;承认,认可

spot [spɑt]

n. 斑点;地点;污渍
vt. 认出,注意到

struggle [ˋstrʌg!]

vi. 奋 / 努力
n. 奋 / 努力;难事

smooth [smuð]

vt. & vi. (使)平坦
adj. 平滑的;顺利的

shadow [ˋʃædo]

vt. 以影笼罩
n. 阴影

fake [fek]

a. 假的
vt. 伪造;假装
n. 赝品

track [træk]

n. 小径;(火车的)轨道;跑道;田径运动(= track and field);歌 / 乐曲
vt. 追踪;留下(泥巴等)痕迹于……
Extra Words

artwork [ˋɑrt͵wɝk]
n. 艺术品

content [kənˋtɛnt]

adj. 满足的(= satisfied)
n. 满足
vt. 使满足(= satisfy)

pixel [ˋpɪksəl]
n. 画素

reflection [rɪˋflɛkʃən]

n. 反射;熟思

reflect [rɪˋflɛkt]

vt. 反射;反应
vi. 思考(与介词 on 并用)

alter [ˋɔltɚ]

vt. 修改(衣服)
vt. & vi. 改变
Practical Phrases

tell the difference between A and B 辨别/区分 A 与 B
Gary can’t tell the difference between salt and sugar just by looking.

struggle with... 与⋯⋯搏斗/挣扎
The old man has struggled with illnesses for years.

struggle to V 奋 / 努力做
There are many families struggling to survive on low incomes.

track down... / track... down 追踪查 / 到……
The police finally tracked down the place where the robbers were hiding.

Tips in Use 重点解析

♦ if 引导的名词子句与条件句

本文使用了两种 if 的用法,分别说明如下:

1. if 引导名词子句

本文副标题、第二段倒数第二句、第二天文章第三段第一句皆用到 if 引导的名词子句。

此时 if 表「是否……」,等同于 whether(如本文第三段第二句和最后一句之用法),其所引导的名词子句作一般动词的受词。

例 I don’t know if / whether I’ll be free next weekend.


if 引导的名词子句不能作介词的受词,也不能作句子的主词使用,此时要改用 whether。
例 Whether the movie will be a success remains uncertain.


2. if 引导条件句

本文第一段最后一句、第二段第四句、第三段第一句和最后一句皆为 if 引导的条件句。

使用纯条件假设语气时,表示说话者认为若 if 子句的条件存在,就会有预期的结果。if 引导的条件句可置于主要子句之前或之后。

例 I’d appreciate it if you can give me a call.


You Can Do This 英文试金石


❶ 儿童有时无法分清对与错。

Children sometimes can’t tell the ____________ between right and wrong.

❷ 这名老师较关注在这门课上有困难的学生。

The teacher pays more attention to students who are __________ with the subject.

❸ 苏珊触摸这些花的时候发现它们是假的。

Susan realized the flowers were ______ when she touched them.

答案: 1. difference   2. struggling   3. fake






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献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾中华电信股份有限公司 | Posted:2024-12-24 11:40 |

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