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短暫的相遇 也能是一條救命繩索

短暫的相遇 也能是一條救命繩索 Life-Saving Power of Chance Meetings
Life-Saving Power of Chance Meetings
#克漏字 #心靈·療癒 #健康
11/4 解析英語
作者 David J. Hurfurt
閱讀時間 10分鐘
聽講解 聽朗讀


短暫的相遇 也能是一條救命繩索 Life-Saving Power of Chance Meetings

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  Billy Lezra stood on the edge of a train platform, with her heart pounding and her mind clouded by despair. At 23, she faced her mother’s suicide attempt and spiraled into depression and alcohol addiction. She saw no way out, and just as she was about to take the final step, a stranger __1__ her with an unexpected request: “Excuse me, but would you mind taking my picture?”

  This simple, unforeseen meeting was enough to pull Billy back from the brink. __2__ that fateful day, Billy has been on a journey of recovery and discovery, determined to understand what drives people to the edge and how to bring them back.

  Billy’s research reveals startling statistics. The child of a parent who has tried to take their own life is five times more likely to develop suicidal __3__ than the child of a parent with no history of self-harm. Also, the likelihood of someone with an alcohol use disorder attempting suicide is 120 times greater than that of someone who is not __4__ alcohol. Other factors include depression, life crises, financial problems, and chronic pain.

  According to the World Health Organization, suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among people aged 15-29. While many charities strive to prevent it, Billy’s story shows that sometimes, all it takes is __5__ to stop a tragedy from happening. Now, Billy comes up to lonely or depressed individuals and offers to do some small things for them. This simple act often brings a smile and a moment of connection, reminding us of the power we all have to change a life.

1.   (A) observed     (B) approached (C) informed     (D) embarrassed

2.   (A) Through (B) Until (C) Since   (D) On

3.   (A) tendencies   (B) possessions (C) resemblances     (D) capacities

4.   (A) appealing to (B) beneficial for (C) ignorant of   (D) dependent on

5.   (A) a random encounter       (B) a brief vacation

    (C) a comforting thought     (D) a polite greeting

↓ 完整文章版本(無挖空)
  Billy Lezra stood on the edge of a train platform, with her heart pounding and her mind clouded by despair. At 23, she faced her mother’s suicide attempt and spiraled into depression and alcohol addiction. She saw no way out, and just as she was about to take the final step, a stranger approached her with an unexpected request: “Excuse me, but would you mind taking my picture?”

  This simple, unforeseen meeting was enough to pull Billy back from the brink. Since that fateful day, Billy has been on a journey of recovery and discovery, determined to understand what drives people to the edge and how to bring them back.

  Billy’s research reveals startling statistics. The child of a parent who has tried to take their own life is five times more likely to develop suicidal tendencies than the child of a parent with no history of self-harm. Also, the likelihood of someone with an alcohol use disorder attempting suicide is 120 times greater than that of someone who is not dependent on alcohol. Other factors include depression, life crises, financial problems, and chronic pain.

  According to the World Health Organization, suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among people aged 15-29. While many charities strive to prevent it, Billy’s story shows that sometimes, all it takes is a random encounter to stop a tragedy from happening. Now, Billy comes up to lonely or depressed individuals and offers to do some small things for them. This simple act often brings a smile and a moment of connection, reminding us of the power we all have to change a life.

Words in Use

pound [paʊnd]

vt. & vi. 猛擊,連續重擊
n. 英鎊(貨幣單位,縮寫為 £)(= pound sterling); 磅(重量單位,縮寫為 lb)

despair [dɪˋspɛr]

suicide [ˋsuə͵saɪd]

n. 自殺

spiral [ˋspaɪrəl]

n. . 螺旋
vi. 螺旋下降 (飛機以螺旋形狀向下墜落)

depression [dɪˋprɛʃən]

n. 沮喪;憂鬱症;(經濟)蕭條,不景氣

addiction [əˋdɪkʃən]

n. 上癮
n. . 上癮(與介詞 to 並用)

unforeseen [͵ʌnforˋsin]

a. 預料之外的

fateful [ˋfetfəl]
a. 災難性的

statistics [stəˋtɪstɪks]

n. 統計學(不可數)

likelihood [ˋlaɪklɪ͵hʊd]

n. 可能性

chronic [ˋkrɑnɪk]

a. 慢性的

depressed [dɪˋprɛst]
a. 沮喪的

drive [draɪv]

vt. 迫使;驅動
vt. & vi. 開車
n. 駕車路程;幹勁(此意不可數)
Extra Words

startling [ˋstɑrt!ɪŋ]
a. 令人驚訝的

a chance meeting 偶然相遇
Practical Phrases

be in despair 陷入絕望
Paula was in despair when her husband left her for another woman.

drive sb to + 地方 開車載某人到某地
I drive my son to school every day.

take one’s own life 自殺
The criminal took his own life en route to the police station.

strive to + V 努力要……
The coach encouraged his team to strive to win the championship.

come up to sb (為了攀談而)走到某人跟前
The stranger came up to me and asked me how to get to the train station.

Tips & Analysis

1.   She saw no way out, and just as she was about to take the final step, a stranger approached her with an unexpected request: “Excuse me, but would you mind taking my picture?”


空格後提到,那名陌生人提出了一個請求,可知那個人應是「接近」比莉以提出請求,故 (B) 項應為正選。

2.   Since that fateful day, Billy has been on a journey of recovery and discovery, determined to understand what drives people to the edge and how to bring them back.


空格前一句提到與該陌生人的意外相遇將比莉從邊緣帶了回來,而本句後半時態為現在完成式,可知應選 (C) Since 與其並用,表「自」那命運的一天「以來」,比莉踏上了一段康復和探索之旅。

3.   The child of a parent who has tried to take their own life is five times more likely to develop suicidal tendencies than the child of a parent with no history of self-harm.


空格前提到比莉決心研究人們是如何被逼到邊緣,且她的研究揭露了驚人的統計數據,可推測本句說明的應是與自殺「傾向」有關,也就是比起父母沒有自殘史的孩子,父母曾試圖自殺的孩子發展出自殺「傾向」的可能性高出了五倍,故選 (A)。

4.   Also, the likelihood of someone with an alcohol use disorder attempting suicide is 120 times greater than that of someone who is not dependent on alcohol.


本句前半提到的是有酗酒問題的人,可知其應是與沒有酒精「依賴」的人相比,而前者試圖自殺的可能性是比後者高出一百二十倍,故選 (D)。

5.   While many charities strive to prevent it, Billy’s story shows that sometimes, all it takes is a random encounter to stop a tragedy from happening.


本文中的比莉原先想要結束自己的生命,一位陌生人卻打斷了她的思緒,進而拯救了她,可知她的故事應是顯示出,有時只需要一次「偶然的相遇」就能阻止一場悲劇的發生,故選 (A)。

More to Learn

edge n. 邊緣

•   The castle was built on the edge of a steep cliff.



a.   brink   n.(事情發生的)邊緣

•   Lisa is definitely on the brink of a nervous breakdown.


b.   brim   n.(容器的)邊緣

•   My glass is filled to the brim with juice.


c.   margin   n. 邊緣;頁邊的空白處

•   Timmy wrote his contact information in the margin.


d.   rim   n.(圓形物體的)邊緣;框邊

•   The rim of the glass cracked when Ken poured hot water into it.


e.   verge   n. 邊緣;邊際

•   The company was on the verge of collapse due to poor management.


f.   on the edge / brink / brim / verge of...  


•   Many rare animals are on the edge of extinction.


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