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地球超载日: 8/2 起全球陷生态赤字

地球超载日: 8/2 起全球陷生态赤字 Earth Overshoot Day 2023 Quickly Passes
Earth Overshoot Day 2023 Quickly Passes
#环境·保育 #时事 #气候
12/20 解析英语
作者 Analytical Editors
阅读时间 8分钟
听讲解 听朗读


地球超载日: 8/2 起全球陷生态赤字 Earth Overshoot Day 2023 Quickly Passes
2023 年八月二日成为一个意义重大的日子。这天是地球用完了每年资源预算的一天

目录 / More to Learn / 中文翻译(& 答案)

    August 2 turned out to be a significant day in the year 2023. It was the day the Earth ran out of its annual resource budget, also known as Earth Overshoot Day or Ecological Debt Day. In less than eight months, humans used up all the natural resources the planet can regenerate within one year.

  To calculate Earth Overshoot Day each year, an organization called the Global Footprint Network collects data from the UN that includes the ecological footprint of each country as well as the biocapacity of the planet. Biocapacity refers to the planet’s ability to produce renewable resources and absorb waste. When the overshoot day passes each year, it means any natural resources used after the day cannot be replenished, and any extra carbon dioxide♦ produced will just accumulate in the atmosphere.

    While Earth Overshoot Day 2023 is months earlier than December 25, the date of the first recorded Earth Overshoot Day in 1971, it is five days later than the previous year. This indicates that the rate at which we use our resources is gradually starting to slow down. However, many things still need to be done to move Earth Overshoot Day to the end of the year.
  The Global Footprint Network has stated that increasing the share of low-carbon energy sources to 75% could push the date back by 26 days. Other things, such as halving food waste and reforesting land, could move the date back as well. If steps like these aren’t taken and overshoot days

continue to move up, natural disasters like heat waves♦, droughts♦, forest fires, and floods will only worsen.

What does biocapacity refer to?

(A) The size of each country’s ecological footprint.

(B) The number of days it takes for the planet to generate resources.

(C) The planet’s consumption of resources and release of greenhouse gases.

(D) The Earth’s ability to produce sustainable resources and soak up waste

2. According to the passage, how has Earth Overshoot Day changed over the years?
(A) The data used is different.
(B) It has moved back significantly.
(C) It has moved forward dramatically.
(D) The way it is calculated has changed.
Which of the following is NOT listed as an action that can delay Earth Overshoot Day?

(A) Raising the percentage of energy sources with low-carbon emissions.

(B) Manufacturing a greater quantity of recyclable products.

(C) Reducing food waste by 50%.

(D) Restoring forests.

答案: 1.D 2.C 3.B

Words in Use

share [ʃɛr]

n. 一份
vt. & vi. 分享;分担

atmosphere [ˋætməs͵fɪr]

n. 大气;空气;氛围

annual [ˋænjʊəl]

a. 每年的;年度的,一年的

sustainable [səˋstenəb!]

a. 可维持的;可持续的

manufacture [͵mænjəˋfæktʃɚ]

vt. & n. (用机器大量)生产,制造

absorb [əbˋsɔrb]

vt. 吸收;理解

calculate [ˋkælkjə͵let]

.vt. 计算;估计

disaster [dɪˋzæstɚ]

n. 灾害,灾难(尤指天灾);大失败

ecological [͵ɛkəˋlɑdʒɪkəl/͵ikəˋlɑdʒɪkəl]

a. 生态 (学) 的

drought [draʊt]

n. 干旱

emission [ɪˋmɪʃən]

n. (气体、光线等)排放

accumulate [əˋkjumjə͵let]

vt. & vi. . 累积

heatwave [ˋhitwev]
n. 热浪

footprint [ˋfʊt͵prɪnt]
n. 脚印,足迹

halve [hæv]

vt. 减半

worsen [ˋwɝsn]

vi. 恶化

overshoot [ˋovɚˋʃut]
n. 超越/超出(某种限制或目标的现象)

biocapacity [ˌbɑɪəkəˈpæsətɪ]
n. 生态承载力

low-carbon [ˌloˈkɑrbən]
a. 低碳的
Practical Phrases

refer to... 提到,言及…… 指的是⋯⋯
Cybercrime refers to any crime committed through the internet.

take steps 采取措施
= take measures
We must take steps to expand our customer base.

carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
Plants absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.

soak up... / soak... up 吸干某物 / 吸收某事
Young children are like sponges because they can soak up information incredibly quickly.

run out of sth 用尽某物
Our car was running out of gas.


turn out to be 结果/竟然是⋯⋯
All of townspeople believed in Tony,but he turned out to be a thief.

a heat wave 热浪

slow down... / slow... down 减缓/慢⋯⋯(的速度)
Your presentation is good, but remember to slow down the speed of your speech so that everyone can understand what you’re saying.

take steps to V 采取措施做⋯⋯
The social media platform has taken steps to crack down on misinformation.

carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

a greenhouse gas 温室气体
More to Learn

本文中出现好几个以字首 re-(再)开头的单字,整理如下:

• The student passed out in class due to the intense heat.

a. regenerate vi. 重新生长出

• Forests have the remarkable ability to regenerate after wildfires.

b. renewable a.(能源)可再生的

• The businessman has decided to invest in renewable energy.

• The drought intensified and spread.


c. replenish vt. 补充

• We must use natural resources wisely— many of them cannot be replenished.
我们必须善用天然资源 ── 它们有很多是无法再填补的。

d. reforest vt. 重新造林

• They will reforest the area by planting trees this spring.

e. recyclable a. 可回收的

• These used envelopes are recyclable.

f. restore vt. 恢复

• The police restored order to the city after the protesters got out of hand.


g. recharge vi. & vt. 恢复精力;再充电

• Ted took a week off to recharge himself.

• The battery is dead, so it needs to be recharged.

h. recover vt. 重新获得,找回

• Zack helped me recover my lost contact lens.

i. renew vt. 更新

• Eric renewed his passport yesterday.

j. reunion n. 重聚
a class reunion  同学会

• Bruce suggested this restaurant for the class reunion.

中文翻译(& 答案)
地球超载日:8/2 起全球陷生态赤字

  2023 年八月二日成为一个意义重大的日子。这天是地球用完了每年资源预算的一天,也被称为「地球超载日」或「生态负债日」。人类在不到八个月的时间,就耗尽了地球一年内能够再生的所有自然资源。


  尽管 2023 年地球超载日比于 1971 年首次记录的地球超载日 ── 十二月二十五日 ── 提前了几个月,却比前一年晚了五天。这表示我们使用资源的速度正逐渐开始减缓。然而,仍然有许多事要完成,以将地球超载日推迟至年底。

  全球足迹网络已声明,将低碳能源的份额增加到 75%,可能得以将地球超载日推迟二十六天。其他像是把食物浪费减半和重新造林等措施,可能也会将日期往后推。如果不采取像这样的措施、且超载日的现象持续提前的话,像是热浪、干旱、森林大火和洪水等自然灾害只会变得更严重。

1. 生态承载力指的是什么?

(A) 各国生态足迹的大小。
(B) 地球产生自然资源所需的天数。
(C) 地球的资源消耗和温室气体的排放。
(D) 地球产生永续资源和吸收废弃物的能力。

2. 根据本文,地球超载日这些年来如何变化?

(A) 地球超载日使用的数据不同。
(B) 地球超载日大幅度地往后了。
(C) 地球超载日提前很多。
(D) 计算地球超载日的方式已经改变了。

3. 以下哪一项并被未列为可以推迟地球超载日的行动之一?

(A) 提高低碳排放能源来源的比例。
(B) 生产更多可回收的产品。
(C) 将食物浪费减少一半。
(D) 恢复森林。

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾亚太线上服务股份有限公司 | Posted:2023-12-26 11:59 |

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