婴儿哭声:激发你本能的保护欲 Why Can’t We Ignore a Crying Baby?
Why Can’t We Ignore a Crying Baby?
8/29 生活英语
作者 Enjoy Editors
阅读时间 5分钟
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MP3婴儿哭声:激发你本能的保护欲 Why Can’t We Ignore a Crying Baby?
目录 / Tips in Use 重点解析 / You Can Do This 英文试金石 / 中文翻译
探索科学|本集 精彩教学影片(讲解老师:Bruce & Antony 老师)
How do humans always respond when they hear a baby cry?
Have you ever thought about why you can’t ignore a crying baby? You probably wanted to help but weren’t sure exactly what to do. A study has found that human brains respond strongly to a baby’s cries. This is true even if we don’t know the child. Human brains have developed to recognize the cries of babies as more important than those of adults.
Every grown human has this natural instinct. Crying babies cause a burst of activity in areas of the brain that are related to emotion and reward. From a biological angle, the cries are a warning that there may be danger nearby, such as a wild animal. This burst of brain activity serves as an alert system for humans to protect the young.
From a social angle, the cries encourage people to behave in a caring way and can help them build relationships with other adults. By helping a crying child, humans are emotionally satisfied and possibly gain praise from others. This suggests the safety and happiness of children is a basic shared concern, regardless of family connections. We can see the brain’s response to a baby crying as a key survival mechanism for humans.
Words in Use
see [si]
vt. 明白; 探望;和……交往
vt. & vi. 看,看见
develop [dɪˋvɛləp]
vi. & vt. (使)发展
response [rɪˋspɑns]
n. 回应;回答;反应(与介词 to 并用)
angle [ˋæŋg!]
n. 角度;观点
ignore [ɪgˋnɔr]
vt. 忽 / 无视;装做没看见,不理会
respond [rɪˋspɑnd]
vi. 反应
vt. & vi. 回答
alert [əˋlɝt]
n. 警戒
a. 警戒的
vt. 提醒
reward [rɪˋwɔrd]
n. 报答,报偿
vt. 报答,奖赏
satisfied [ˋsætɪs͵faɪd]
warning [ˋwɔrnɪŋ]
n. 警告
emotionally [ɪˋmoʃən!ɪ]
adv. 感情上;情绪上
Practical Phrases
see A as B 将 A 视为 B
Joe sees his brother as his best friend.
respond to 回答 / 应某事;对某事做出反应
I asked Katie a math question and she responded to it quickly.
The patient responded well to the new medicine.
a burst of... 一阵突发的⋯⋯
I heard a burst of crying from Haley's room.
from a / an... angle 从⋯⋯角度来看
From a public angle, this painting is quite beautiful.
Tips in Use 重点解析
♦ wh- 疑问词引导的名词片语用法
You probably wanted to help but weren’t sure exactly what to do.
在本句中,sure 后面省略了介词 about,what to do 则为 名词片语,作介词 about 的受词。
疑问词 what、which、whom、when、where、how 之 后接不定词片语(to V)时,形成名词片语,可作主词、 受词,或在 be 动词后作主词补语用。
句型:wh- 疑问词 + to + 原形动词
1. 作主词:由于名词片语视作单一的个体,因此作主词时之后接单数动词。
例:Where to go next weekend has not been decided yet.
2. 作及物动词或介词的受词:
例:Jerry didn’t know what to buy for his girlfriend’s birthday.
例:Leo advised me on how to write an essay.
3. 在 be 动词后作主词补语:
例:The main problem is when to start the program.
You Can Do This 英文试金石
❶ 我给了一些建议,但珍妮却置之不理。
I gave some advice, but Jenny __________ it.
❷ 麦克挥手,而我则以微笑回应。
Mike waved and I ___________ with a smile.
❸ 莉莉和安娜的友谊发展得很缓慢。
Lily’s friendship with Anna ___________ slowly.
答案:1. ignored 2. responded 3. developed
你有没有曾经想过为什么你无法忽视哭泣的婴儿?你或许想帮 忙,但不确定到底该怎么做。一项研究发现人类大脑对婴儿哭声有着 强烈的反应。即使我们不认识这个孩子也是如此。人类大脑发展成将 婴儿哭声认定为比成人哭声还来得重要。
每一位成人都有这种自然的本能。哭泣的婴儿会让和情绪及奖赏 相关的大脑区域突然活跃起来。从生物学的角度来看,婴儿哭声是附 近可能有像野生动物等危险的一种警告。这种大脑突然活跃的反应是 人类保护幼儿的警报系统。
从社会性的角度来看,婴儿哭声鼓励人们表现得充满关爱并能帮 助他们和其他成人建立关系。藉由帮助一位在哭泣的小孩,人类能在 情感上获得满足并可能从他人那里获得称赞。这显示不论是否有亲戚 关系,小孩的安全和幸福是大家基本的共同关注点。我们可以将大脑 对婴儿哭声的反应视为一个人类重要的生存机制。