闪光灯记忆: 脑海里的照相机 Flashbulb Memories
Flashbulb Memories
#篇章结构 #心理
4/24 解析英语
作者 Angus Bain
阅读时间 6分钟
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闪光灯记忆: 脑海里的照相机 Flashbulb Memories
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It is very common for people to have very vivid memories of certain events. These events may be things that happened to them personally, such as a graduation ceremony or the birth of a child. Or they may be things that they see or hear about in the news. __1__ Psychologists refer to them as flashbulb memories.
As the name suggests, flashbulb memories are like “snapshots” of important moments that we take with our brains rather than a camera. They typically happen when we are watching something, either at the scene or on television. __2__ Many people claim that they remember exactly where they were, what they were doing, and whom they were with when they heard the tragic news.
According to psychologists, there are several factors that affect these types of memories. Among the most significant are the emotions a person may be feeling at the time, especially if it’s shocking. __3__ Receiving a very special and unexpected birthday gift, for instance, would have special significance for an individual but would be meaningless to others. Winning the FIFA World Cup, on the other hand, would be remembered vividly not just by the players involved but also by the millions of fans who cheered them on.
However, studies have shown that flashbulb memories are often not as clear as people think. As time passes, people’s version of events can change. __4__ So, keep in mind that those clear memories that you have of an event may not be entirely accurate.
(A) Take the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States for example.
(B) There is also the personal connection that a person may feel toward an event.
(C) Whatever the case may be, these memories stick out in our minds very clearly.
(D) This may result from a number of influences, such as their other life experiences or being exposed to media coverage of an event.
答案: 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D
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It is very common for people to have very vivid memories of certain events. These events may be things that happened to them personally, such as a graduation ceremony or the birth of a child. Or they may be things that they see or hear about in the news. Whatever the case may be, these memories stick out in our minds very clearly. Psychologists refer to them as flashbulb memories.
As the name suggests, flashbulb memories are like “snapshots” of important moments that we take with our brains rather than a camera. They typically happen when we are watching something, either at the scene or on television. Take the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States for example. Many people claim that they remember exactly where they were, what they were doing, and whom they were with when they heard the tragic news.
According to psychologists, there are several factors that affect these types of memories. Among the most significant are the emotions a person may be feeling at the time, especially if it’s shocking. There is also the personal connection that a person may feel toward an event. Receiving a very special and unexpected birthday gift, for instance, would have special significance for an individual but would be meaningless to others. Winning the FIFA World Cup, on the other hand, would be remembered vividly not just by the players involved but also by the millions of fans who cheered them on.
However, studies have shown that flashbulb memories are often not as clear as people think. As time passes, people’s version of events can change. This may result from a number of influences, such as their other life experiences or being exposed to media coverage of an event. So, keep in mind that those clear memories that you have of an event may not be entirely accurate.
Words in Use
factor [ˋfæktɚ]
n. 因素
individual [͵ɪndəˋvɪdʒʊəl]
adj. 个别的,个人的
n. 个人,个体
emotion [ɪˋmoʃən]
n. 情感,感性(不可数);情绪(喜、怒、哀、乐等)(可数)
affect [əˋfɛkt]
vt. 影响;(疾病)侵袭;感动,震撼;假装
tragic [ˋtrædʒɪk]
a. 悲剧的;令人悲痛的
psychologist [saɪˋkɑlədʒɪst]
n. 心理学家
significance [sɪgˋnɪfəkəns]
n. 意义;重要性
significant [sɪgˋnɪfəkənt]
a. 重要的;显着的
vivid [ˋvɪvɪd]
a. 生动的
meaningless [ˋminɪŋlɪs]
a. 无意义的;不重要的
vividly [ˋvɪvɪdlɪ]
adv. 鲜明地,生动地
flashbulb [ˋflæʃ͵bʌlb]
n. 闪光灯泡
snapshot [ˋsnæp͵ʃɑt]
n. 快照,照片
Practical Phrases
refer to A as B 把 A 称作 B
Do not refer to Mandy as your girlfriend. She’s your ex-girlfriend now.
on the other hand 另一方面
As the name suggests, 顾名思义,⋯⋯
As the name suggests, the Statue of Liberty symbolizes universal freedom.
Tips & Analysis
1. 第一题空格应选 (C)
a. 本空格在测试对段落语意连贯性的掌握,空格前提 到有些记忆对我们而言是相当鲜明的,空格后一句 说明这些记忆被称为闪光灯记忆,可推测空格应与 这类记忆有什么特色相关。
b. 选项 (C) 表示,无论是哪一种情况,这些记忆在我 们脑海中都相当显着,语意连贯且符合推测,且选 项中的 Whatever the case may be(无论是哪一 种情况)指的即是前两句的个人相关的记忆或是在 新闻上看到的,故答案应选 (C)。
2. 第二题空格应选 (A)
a. 本空格在测试对段落发展的掌握,空格后提到某个 悲惨新闻,可推测空格应提及此悲惨事件。
b. 选项 (A) 表示,以美国 911 恐怖攻击为例,符合 推测,且空格后一句的 the tragic news(悲惨新 闻)指的即是本句的美国 911 恐怖攻击,故答案 应选 (A)。
3. 第三题空格应选 (B)
a. 本空格在测试对段落语意发展的掌握,本段旨在说 明有许多因素影响闪光灯记忆,而空格后举例,说 明收到特别的生日礼物对一个人来说很有意义,对 另一人却是毫无意义的,可推测空格应提及某个影 响闪光灯记忆的因素,且应与空格后一句的例子相 关。
b. 选项 (B) 表示,对于一起事件人们可能会感受到的 个人连结也是原因,语意连贯,且空格后一句提到 的收到生日礼物对那个人的意义,即在说明选项中 的个人连结,故答案应选 (B)。
4. 第四题空格应选 (D)
a. 本空格在测试对段落语意连贯的掌握,空格前提到 闪光灯记忆可能不如人们认为的那么清楚,且随着 时间流逝,人们对于事件的版本可能会改变,可知 空格应提及原因或例子。
b. 选项 (D) 表示,这可能起因于数种影响,像是他 们其他的人生经验,或接触到媒体对某个事件的报 导,语意连贯且符合推测,且选项中的This 即是 前一句提到的人们对于事件的版本可能会改变,故 答案应选 (D)。
More to Learn
memory [ ˋmɛmərɪ ] n. 记忆,回忆
• Sophia and her friends have made a lot of good memories during their class trip.
字首 mem- 表「纪念;记忆」,常见单字介绍如下:
a. memorize [ ˋmɛmə͵raɪz ] vt. 记住;背熟
• Experts discovered that the human brain can memorize images faster than text.
b. memorable [ ˋmɛmərəb! ] a. 难忘的;值得怀念的
• The couple spent a memorable vacation in Switzerland.
c. memorial [ məˋmorɪəl ] a. 纪念的,追悼的 & n. 纪念碑;纪念馆
• The memorial park is dedicated to those who died in a historical event.
这座纪念公园是献给那些在历史事件中失去性命的 人。
• The Lincoln Memorial honors the 16th president of the US, and symbolizes his belief in the freedom of all people.
林肯纪念堂纪念美国第十六任总统,也象征他认为 全人类皆有自由的信念。
d. memoir [ ˋmɛmwɑr ] n. 实录(可用单数);回忆录(恒用复数)
• That famous artist’s memoirs caused a sensation.
e. memo [ ˋmɛmo ] n. 备忘录
(memorandum [ ͵mɛməˋrændəm ] 的缩写)
• Jason wrote a memo to inform the staff of the company’s internal changes.
f. memorabilia [ ˋmɛmərəˋbɪlɪə ] n.(着名人物或事 件的)纪念品,收藏品(视为复数)
• Even today, many people are interested in collecting Beatles memorabilia.
中文翻译(& 答案)
人们对于某些事件拥有非常鲜明的记忆是很常见的。这 些事件可能发生在个人身上,像是毕业典礼或孩子出生。或 者可能是在新闻上见到或听到的事。无论是哪一种情况,这 些记忆在我们脑海中都相当显着。心理学家称之为闪光灯记 忆。
顾名思义,闪光灯记忆就像是我们用脑袋而非照相机替 重要时刻照下的「快照」。通常都是在我们观看某件事时发 生的,不论是现场或是在电视上看到。以美国 911 恐怖攻击 为例。许多人声称他们确切记得在听闻这个悲惨新闻时,他 们人在哪、在做什么事以及跟谁在一起。
根据心理学家的看法,有一些因素影响这种记忆。其 中最重要的是人们在当时可能感受到的情绪,特别是如果该 情绪是很震撼的话。对于一起事件人们可能会感受到的个人 连结也是原因。举例来说,收到一个很特别且意外的生日礼 物,对某个人来说会有特殊意义,但对其他人而言就没有意义。另一方面,赢得足球世界杯不只有相关球员会栩栩如生 地记得,对数百万名为他们欢呼的球迷亦是如此。
然而,研究显示闪光灯记忆通常不像人们所认为的那么 清楚。随着时间流逝,人们对于事件的版本可能会改变。这 可能起因于数种影响,像是他们其他的人生经验,或接触到 媒体对某个事件的报导。因此要记得,你对于某个事件清楚 的记忆可能不完全是正确的。
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