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献花 x0 回到顶端 [20 楼] From:香港特别行政区 | Posted:2005-01-11 21:58 |
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Hi, Fei Ying and Tin Ming,

I would like to give some of my information to you in order to let you help me to see what favourable elements are suitable for me.

First, I am not born in a rich family. For my "Gold" period during I was young, I just had a diploma education background but I am very hardworking when I was in school life comparing with all my sisters and broth ..

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献花 x0 回到顶端 [21 楼] From:美国德州GTE.net公司用户 | Posted:2005-01-13 05:22 |
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And also I find myself really good in "Fire or Wood" period. Like each year, I earned more at the first six month that are Jan, Feb, March, April, M ..

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献花 x0 回到顶端 [22 楼] From:美国德州GTE.net公司用户 | Posted:2005-01-13 05:38 |
幻天机 手机 会员卡
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都打英文我 ..

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献花 x0 回到顶端 [23 楼] From:台湾中华电信 | Posted:2005-01-13 06:03 |
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thank you 'Tat Tat'

I'm so sorry and bring trou ..

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献花 x0 回到顶端 [24 楼] From:美国德州GTE.net公司用户 | Posted:2005-01-13 06:08 |
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下面是引用michelleyip于2005-01-13 05:22发表的 :
Hi, Fei Ying and Tin Ming,

I would like to give some of my information to you in order to let you help me to see what favourable elements are suitable for me.

First, I am not born in a rich family. For my "Gold" period during I was young, I just had a diploma education background but I am very hardworking when I was in school life comparing with all my sisters and brother. I had tried to study university in evening school when I worked in the society but eventually I didn't complete the degree as I was divorced at that time. I wa ..

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献花 x0 回到顶端 [25 楼] From:香港 HKCABLE | Posted:2005-01-13 07:28 |
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下面是引用michelleyip于2005-01-13 05:38发表的 :
And also I find myself really good in "Fire or Wood" period. Like each year, I earned more at the first six month that are Jan, Feb, March, April, May and June and very worse at the end of year.

In 198 ..

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献花 x0 回到顶端 [26 楼] From:香港 HKCABLE | Posted:2005-01-13 07:42 |
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Hi, Fei Ying

I would like to correct your l ..

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献花 x0 回到顶端 [27 楼] From:美国德州GTE.net公司用户 | Posted:2005-01-13 07:52 |
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下面是引用michelleyip于2005-01-13 07:52发表的 :
Hi, Fei Ying

I would like to cor ..

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献花 x0 回到顶端 [28 楼] From:香港 HKCABLE | Posted:2005-01-13 07:56 |
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下面是引用飞影于2005-01-13 07:42发表的 :

本命壬水生暮秋九月,戌土司令丁财主事,干透主气戊土余气 ..

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献花 x0 回到顶端 [29 楼] From:香港 HKCABLE | Posted:2005-01-13 07:58 |

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