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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [10 樓] From:臺灣中華HiNet | Posted:2009-04-17 22:26 |
s922197 手機
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新RC:25369787歡迎來聽歌、放歌、聊天^^ (2012/08/25)
獻花 x0 回到頂端 [11 樓] From:臺灣 | Posted:2009-04-17 23:13 |
惡魔之槍 會員卡
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下面是引用 s922197 於 2009-04-17 23:13 發表的 : 到引言文
有點像作弊 表情


World Of WarCraft
獻花 x0 回到頂端 [12 樓] From:歐洲 | Posted:2009-04-17 23:39 |
s922197 手機
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可惜1.6沒有阿 表情
等很厲害的人做出來吧 表情

新RC:25369787歡迎來聽歌、放歌、聊天^^ (2012/08/25)
獻花 x0 回到頂端 [13 樓] From:臺灣 | Posted:2009-04-17 23:41 |
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但至少現在只有喪屍有 表情

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [14 樓] From:臺灣中華電信HINET | Posted:2009-04-17 23:51 |
惡魔之槍 會員卡
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下面是引用 Yuji-Saka 於 2009-04-17 23:51 發表的 : 到引言文

但至少現在只有喪屍有 表情



World Of WarCraft
獻花 x0 回到頂端 [15 樓] From:歐洲 | Posted:2009-04-18 00:19 |
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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [16 樓] From:臺灣中華HiNet | Posted:2009-04-18 09:10 |
蔚藍王子 手機 會員卡
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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [17 樓] From:臺灣中華HiNet | Posted:2009-04-18 17:59 |
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級別: 初露鋒芒 該用戶目前不上站
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#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <cstrike>

#define BUY_BPAMMO "items/9mmclip1.wav"

new cvar_bpcost, cvar_admin
new g_msgAmmoPickup

new const PLUGIN_NAME[] = "BP Ammo"
new const PLUGIN_VERSION[] = "v0.4"
new const AUTHOR[] = "YKH =]"

// Admin

// Admin Amount of ammo to give when buying additional clips for weapons
new const MAXBPAMMO[] = { -1, 104, -1, 180, -1, 64, 1, 200, 180, -1, 240, 200, 200, 180, 180, 180, 200, 240,
                     60, 240, 600, 64, 180, 240, 180, -1, 70, 180, 180, -1, 200 }

// Max BP ammo for weapons(player)
new const MAXBPAMMO2[] = { -1, 52, -1, 90, -1, 32, 1, 100, 90, -1, 120, 100, 100, 90, 90, 90, 100, 120,
                     30, 120, 200, 32, 90, 120, 90, -1, 35, 90, 90, -1, 100 }

// Admin Amount of ammo to give when buying additional clips for weapons
new const BUYAMMO[] = { -1, 52, -1, 90, -1, 32, 1, 100, 90, -1, 120, 100, 100, 90, 90, 90, 100, 120,
                     30, 120, 200, 32, 90, 120, 90, -1, 36, 90, 90, -1, 100 }

// Amount of ammo to give when buying additional clips for weapons
new const BUYAMMO2[] = { -1, 13, -1, 30, -1, 8, -1, 12, 30, -1, 30, 50, 12, 30, 30, 30, 12, 30,
                     10, 30, 30, 8, 30, 30, 30, -1, 7, 30, 30, -1, 50 }

// Ammo IDs for weapons
new const AMMOID[] = { -1, 9, -1, 2, 12, 5, 14, 6, 4, 13, 10, 7, 6, 4, 4, 4, 6, 10,
                     1, 10, 3, 5, 4, 10, 2, 11, 8, 4, 2, -1, 7 }

const PRIMARY_WEAPONS_BIT_SUM = (1<<CSW_SCOUT)|(1<<CSW_XM1014)|(1<<CSW_MAC10)|(1<<CSW_AUG)|(1<<CSW_UMP45)|(1<<CSW_SG550)|(1<<CSW_GALIL)|(1<<CSW_FAMAS)|(1<<CSW_AWP)|(1<<CSW_MP5NAVY)|(1<<CSW_M249)|(1<<CSW_M3)|(1<<CSW_M4A1)|(1<<CSW_TMP)|(1<<CSW_G3SG1)|(1<<CSW_SG552)|(1<<CSW_AK47)|(1<<CSW_P90)

public plugin_init()
       register_plugin(PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION, AUTHOR)
       register_event("HLTV", "event_round_start", "a", "1=0", "2=0")
       cvar_bpcost = register_cvar("bpammo_cost", "30")
       cvar_admin = register_cvar("bp_admin", "0")
       register_clcmd("buyammo1", "clcmd_buyammo1")
       register_clcmd("buyammo2", "clcmd_buyammo2")
       g_msgAmmoPickup = get_user_msgid("AmmoPickup")

       // Round Start display message
       set_task(1.0, "event_round_start")

public plugin_precache()

public clcmd_buyammo1(id)
       // Not alive or infinite ammo setting enabled
       if (!is_user_alive(id) || !cs_get_user_buyzone(id))
              return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

       new money = cs_get_user_money(id)
       new cost = get_pcvar_num(cvar_bpcost)

       // Get user weapons
       static weapons[32], num, i, currentammo, weaponid
       num = 0 // reset passed weapons count (bugfix)
       get_user_weapons(id, weapons, num)

       // Not enoungh Money ?
       if (money < cost)
              return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
       // Loop through them and give the right ammo type
       for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
              // Prevents re-indexing the array
              weaponid = weapons[i]
              if ((1<<weaponid) & PRIMARY_WEAPONS_BIT_SUM) // primary
                     // Get current ammo of the weapon
                     currentammo = cs_get_user_bpammo(id, weaponid)

                     if (get_pcvar_num(cvar_admin) == 1)
                            if (get_user_flags(id) & ACCESS_FLAG)
                                   // Check if we are close to the BP ammo limit
                                   if (currentammo <= MAXBPAMMO[weaponid]-BUYAMMO[weaponid])
                                          // Flash ammo in hud
                                          message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_msgAmmoPickup, _, id)
                                          write_byte(AMMOID[weaponid]) // ammo id
                                          write_byte(BUYAMMO[weaponid]) // ammo amount
                                          // Increase BP ammo
                                          emit_sound(id, CHAN_VOICE, BUY_BPAMMO, 0.9, ATTN_STATIC, 0, PITCH_NORM)// Play sounds
                                          cs_set_user_bpammo(id, weaponid, currentammo + BUYAMMO[weaponid])
                                          cs_set_user_money(id, money - cost)
                                          // Flash ammo in hud
                                          message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_msgAmmoPickup, _, id)
                                          write_byte(AMMOID[weaponid]) // ammo id
                                          write_byte(MAXBPAMMO[weaponid]-currentammo) // ammo amount
                                          // Reached the limit
                                          cs_set_user_bpammo(id, weaponid, MAXBPAMMO[weaponid])
                                   // Check if we are close to the BP ammo limit
                                   if (currentammo <= MAXBPAMMO2[weaponid]-BUYAMMO2[weaponid])
                                          // Flash ammo in hud
                                          message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_msgAmmoPickup, _, id)
                                          write_byte(AMMOID[weaponid]) // ammo id
                                          write_byte(BUYAMMO2[weaponid]) // ammo amount
                                          // Increase BP ammo
                                          emit_sound(id, CHAN_VOICE, BUY_BPAMMO, 0.9, ATTN_STATIC, 0, PITCH_NORM)// Play sounds
                                          cs_set_user_bpammo(id, weaponid, currentammo + BUYAMMO[weaponid])
                                          cs_set_user_money(id, money - cost)
                                          // Flash ammo in hud
                                          message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_msgAmmoPickup, _, id)
                                          write_byte(AMMOID[weaponid]) // ammo id
                                          write_byte(MAXBPAMMO2[weaponid]-currentammo) // ammo amount
                                          // Reached the limit
                                          cs_set_user_bpammo(id, weaponid, MAXBPAMMO2[weaponid])
                            // Check if we are close to the BP ammo limit
                            if (currentammo <= MAXBPAMMO[weaponid]-BUYAMMO[weaponid])
                                   // Flash ammo in hud
                                   message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_msgAmmoPickup, _, id)
                                   write_byte(AMMOID[weaponid]) // ammo id
                                   write_byte(BUYAMMO[weaponid]) // ammo amount
                                   // Increase BP ammo
                                   emit_sound(id, CHAN_VOICE, BUY_BPAMMO, 0.9, ATTN_STATIC, 0, PITCH_NORM)// Play sounds
                                   cs_set_user_bpammo(id, weaponid, currentammo + BUYAMMO[weaponid])
                                   cs_set_user_money(id, money - cost)
                                   // Flash ammo in hud
                                   message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_msgAmmoPickup, _, id)
                                   write_byte(AMMOID[weaponid]) // ammo id
                                   write_byte(MAXBPAMMO[weaponid]-currentammo) // ammo amount
                                   // Reached the limit
                                   cs_set_user_bpammo(id, weaponid, MAXBPAMMO[weaponid])
       return PLUGIN_HANDLED;       
public clcmd_buyammo2(id)
       // Not alive or infinite ammo setting enabled
       if (!is_user_alive(id) || !cs_get_user_buyzone(id))
              return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

       new money = cs_get_user_money(id)
       new cost = get_pcvar_num(cvar_bpcost)

       // Get user weapons
       static weapons[32], num, i, currentammo, weaponid
       num = 0 // reset passed weapons count (bugfix)
       get_user_weapons(id, weapons, num)

       // Not enoungh Money ?
       if (money < cost)
              return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
       // Loop through them and give the right ammo type
       for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
              // Prevents re-indexing the array
              weaponid = weapons[i]

              if ((1<<weaponid) & SECONDARY_WEAPONS_BIT_SUM) // secondary
                     // Get current ammo of the weapon
                     currentammo = cs_get_user_bpammo(id, weaponid)

                     if (get_pcvar_num(cvar_admin) == 1)
                            if (get_user_flags(id) & ACCESS_FLAG)
                                   // Check if we are close to the BP ammo limit
                                   if (currentammo <= MAXBPAMMO[weaponid]-BUYAMMO[weaponid])
                                          // Flash ammo in hud
                                          message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_msgAmmoPickup, _, id)
                                          write_byte(AMMOID[weaponid]) // ammo id
                                          write_byte(BUYAMMO[weaponid]) // ammo amount
                                          // Increase BP ammo
                                          emit_sound(id, CHAN_VOICE, BUY_BPAMMO, 0.9, ATTN_STATIC, 0, PITCH_NORM)// Play sounds
                                          cs_set_user_bpammo(id, weaponid, currentammo + BUYAMMO[weaponid])
                                          cs_set_user_money(id, money - cost)
                                          // Flash ammo in hud
                                          message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_msgAmmoPickup, _, id)
                                          write_byte(AMMOID[weaponid]) // ammo id
                                          write_byte(MAXBPAMMO[weaponid]-currentammo) // ammo amount
                                          // Reached the limit
                                          cs_set_user_bpammo(id, weaponid, MAXBPAMMO[weaponid])
                                   // Check if we are close to the BP ammo limit
                                   if (currentammo <= MAXBPAMMO2[weaponid]-BUYAMMO2[weaponid])
                                          // Flash ammo in hud
                                          message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_msgAmmoPickup, _, id)
                                          write_byte(AMMOID[weaponid]) // ammo id
                                          write_byte(BUYAMMO2[weaponid]) // ammo amount
                                          // Increase BP ammo
                                          emit_sound(id, CHAN_VOICE, BUY_BPAMMO, 0.9, ATTN_STATIC, 0, PITCH_NORM)// Play sounds
                                          cs_set_user_bpammo(id, weaponid, currentammo + BUYAMMO[weaponid])
                                          cs_set_user_money(id, money - cost)
                                          // Flash ammo in hud
                                          message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_msgAmmoPickup, _, id)
                                          write_byte(AMMOID[weaponid]) // ammo id
                                          write_byte(MAXBPAMMO2[weaponid]-currentammo) // ammo amount
                                          // Reached the limit
                                          cs_set_user_bpammo(id, weaponid, MAXBPAMMO2[weaponid])
                            // Check if we are close to the BP ammo limit
                            if (currentammo <= MAXBPAMMO[weaponid]-BUYAMMO[weaponid])
                                   // Flash ammo in hud
                                   message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_msgAmmoPickup, _, id)
                                   write_byte(AMMOID[weaponid]) // ammo id
                                   write_byte(BUYAMMO[weaponid]) // ammo amount
                                   // Increase BP ammo
                                   emit_sound(id, CHAN_VOICE, BUY_BPAMMO, 0.9, ATTN_STATIC, 0, PITCH_NORM)// Play sounds
                                   cs_set_user_bpammo(id, weaponid, currentammo + BUYAMMO[weaponid])
                                   cs_set_user_money(id, money - cost)
                                   // Flash ammo in hud
                                   message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, g_msgAmmoPickup, _, id)
                                   write_byte(AMMOID[weaponid]) // ammo id
                                   write_byte(MAXBPAMMO[weaponid]-currentammo) // ammo amount
                                   // Reached the limit
                                   cs_set_user_bpammo(id, weaponid, MAXBPAMMO[weaponid])
       return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
public event_round_start()
       set_task(5.0, "welcome_msg")
public welcome_msg()
       // Show mod info
       client_print(0, print_chat, "[BP] **** %s %s by %s ****", PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION, AUTHOR)

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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [19 樓] From:臺灣中華HiNet | Posted:2009-04-18 21:12 |

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