
[同人][音樂] Grip & Break down !!
(原曲:U.N.オー エンは彼女なのか?)
按這裡檢視影片,登入論壇可以直接觀看演唱:Nana Takahashi 社團:SOUND HOLIC 專輯:紅 -KURENAI- 原曲:U.N.オー エンは彼女なのか? 歌詞: ----------------------------- I wanna play with you once Are you a fragile, baby? If so, I throw you away after use
I Don't know why I'm alone now Why don't you play with me? Hey! You can never refuse my asking
Everything has the spot to be broken away I only know where it's hidden away C'mon baby! C'mon baby! Come into my hand Oh, it's so easy to Grip & Break down !!
Let's get along, baby, I'm never insane You must enjoy to play this game more and more and more Hey! How are you feeling? It's funny, isn't it? Never ever to be seen, the game!
Let's get along, baby, beautiful fireworks You can never run away because we're the friends So, don't mind to be dead, play the funny game, yeah! Grip & Break down! Fireworks tonight
All the friends I found ever have gone far away from me They have gone to the place not to be back
You are the brand new my friend Won't you go far away so Hey! How do you response to my asking
Everything has the spot to be broken away I only know where it's hidden away C'mon baby! C'mon baby! Come into my hand Oh, it's so easy to Grip & Break down !!
Let's get along, baby, I'm never insane You must enjoy to play this game more and more and more Hey! How are you feeling? It's funny, isn't it? Never ever to be seen, the game!
Let's get along, baby, beautiful fireworks You can never run away because we're the friends So, don't mind to be dead, play the funny game, yeah! Grip & Break down! Fireworks tonight
N'ak Kode Tihs Ot Tuyg Uk Oyr'o Non Odi Et Ur Ia Kah Ow O Nom Ur Uyar A Ot Ira Grip & Break down !!
Let's get along, baby, I'm never insane You must enjoy to play this game more and more and more Hey! How are you feeling? It's funny, isn't it? Never ever to be seen, the game!
Let's get along, baby, beautiful fireworks You can never run away because we're the friends So, don't mind to be dead, play the funny game, yeah! Grip & Break down! Fireworks tonight----------------------------- 心得:又一首好聽的曲子 雖說東方的英文曲感覺哪裡怪怪的 不過在這原曲的神旋律加持之下 違和感什麼就不是很重要了   
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