使用指令:var default_value //description
rpgm_savedata 1 //save data? 1 - yes, 0 - no (including bots)
rpgm_bot_savedata 0 //save bots data ? 1 - yes, 0 - no
//bots are always saved by name in separate file (nvault) or table (mysql)
rpgm_saveby 1 //save player data by 1 - steamid, 2 - ip, 3 - name
//data saved by steamids, ips, names is kept in separate files/tables
rpgm_savedb 1 //Database: 1 - nvault, 2 - MySql
rpgm_sql_host "" //sql server ip
rpgm_sql_user "" //sql username
rpgm_sql_pass "" //sql password
rpgm_sql_db "" //sql database name
rpgm_user_control 1 //block say commands, menus and info under chat? 0 - yes, 1 - no
rpgm_frequent_save 0 //1, 2 - frequent xp saving
//set to 1 or 2 if you are worried about players losing xp earned during map due to server crash
//0 - automatically save player data only on disconnect
//1 - save on disconnect + save all players data on new round
//2 - save on disconnect + every 10 secs save player with most xp gained
//2 is for servers with no round end (csdm etc.)
rpgm_xp_mult 1.0 //multiplier for xp gained
rpgm_in_team 0 //upgrades work only for: 0-both teams, 1-ts, 2-cts
rpgm_start_lvl 0 //default level for new players
rpgm_bot_start_lvl 0 //default level for new bots
rpgm_upgs 111111111111 //this is string, it determines which upgrades are enabled and disabled
//0 on position x means that upgrade number x is disabled while 1 means it's enabled
//example 1: 111111111110 - all upgrades enabled, except AutoBHop
//example 2: 010010000000 - only Health+ and Stealth are enabled
//If you disable some upgrade, then players get 100% of credits spent on this upgrade back
rpgm_def_upgrades 000000000000 //this is string - default upgrades for new players
rpgm_bot_def_upgrades 00000000000 //this is string - default upgrades for new bots
//you can use numbers (0,...,9) and letters (a,...,z)
//a = 10, b = 11, c = 12, ...
rpgm_bot_buy_upgs 0 //bots automatically buy random upgrades on spawn? 1 - yes, 0 - no
//depends on amount of credits, bot buy random upgrade if his credits are >= 0
【插件介紹】第一次繁化插件.看這個RPG mod 是英文的,技能全是英文.令我一點也看不明,所以就決心要把這個插件繁化=]雖然我在vlan也看很多人已經把這個插件繁化!但是他們都不對外分享,所以我就自己把整個rpg mod 都給繁化了讓一些英文的文盲也能看得明!
指令不繁化了.只繁化整個sma !指令就自己看英文,不懂的就用google

威望:amxx不設威望,但 sma也要10吧! 推動大家多多回文!望大家推推吧=】
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