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98年 檢察事務官 偵查實務組 英文

一、綜合測驗:(30 分)
(一) Attitudes of respect, modesty and fair play can grow only out of slowly acquired skills that
parents teach their children over many years through shared experience and memory. If a child
reaches adulthood with recollections only 1. television, Little League, and birthday parties,
2. that child has little to draw on when a true test of character comes up-say, in a prickly
business situation. “Unless that child feels grounded in who he is and where he comes from,
everything 3. is an act,” says etiquette expert Betty Jo Trakimas.
A family of her friend’s reserve every Friday night as “family night” with their three children.
Often the family plays board games or hide-and-seek. “My children love it,” says the mother.
Can playing hide-and-seek really teach a child 4. manners? Yes, say Trakimas and
others, because it tells the child that his parents care enough to spend time with him, he is loved and
can learn to love others. “Manners aren’t about using the right fork,” agrees etiquette instructor
Patricia Gilbert-Hinz. “Manners are about 5. kind—giving compliments, team-playing,
making t ..

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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:台灣中華電信 | Posted:2010-06-23 03:12 |

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