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[PPC][其他] PocketPizza v1.0 美味比薩薄餅大放送

USE 先撤麵粉在桌上,免得麵團黏在桌面
First of all you need to spread the flour on the table, so that later the dough won't stick on the table.
Once you have spread the flour, it's the pasta turn: take it from the tray, put it down on the table and then stretch the dough by pulling it with your finger as you would in real life: you should do it more than once, since pizza dough tends to withdraw when stretched. When you see that, touching it, dough doesn't move anymore, it's ready.

INGREDIENTS 弄好麵團後才放配料噢
Once finished with the dough, it's time to put in ingredients. There is no limit: you can use the ones you like by simply dragging them from tray to table and arranging them as you like. Some ingredients (tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese and seafood) can be placed only once, since they fill the entire mixture: notice that if you use them, their place in the tray becomes empty. For others, instead, you can place them as many times as you like.

COOKING 是時候在烤箱內烹調了
Now it's time to cook: select "cook" on menu and you'll see the cooking screen, with a shovel ready to put your creation inside the oven. Click the shovel and the pizza will be baked. At this point, there's nothing to do than wait: a ringing bell will alert you when pizza is ready. (cooking time is adjustable via preferences panel: it's expressed in seconds).
Caution: do not leave it too much in the oven, otherwise it will burn! Once cooked, click the pizza and the shovel will pull it from oven to place it in the dish.

EAT 可以大嚼了
And now it's time to eat! Once cooked, your pizza is served: at this point you can decide into how many pieces to cut it... and good appetite.


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[ 此文章被Topcon在2010-03-05 22:02重新編輯 ]

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:未知地址 | Posted:2010-03-04 16:53 |
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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:澳門 | Posted:2010-03-04 17:06 |

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