
[景点][中彰投] 省荷包就趁现在,全家轻松出游趣!暑后疯促销抢优惠
【相关资讯】个人评等: ★★★★【心得分享】
 活动日期: 2017/09/01~2017/09/30 凡于活动期间,预订双人房或四人房型平日住宿5.5折,假日住宿9折,另外活动再加码,单笔订单预订楼中楼房型(六人房、八人房、十人房)2晚(含)以上,平日住宿5折,假日住宿8折。 什么?! 这么好康的活动,别说你还再犹豫,还不赶快把握这次的机会!不能错过这次的强挡!数量有限,售完为止! 注意事项: 1.以上打折活动按原房价做折扣。 2.本专案附赠营养早餐乙客。 3.仅限电话订房来电订房时,即告知使用此专案。 4.本专案不得与民间团体、旅行社及游览车、车队等不适用。 5.本专案不得与其他优惠专案并用且不得异议其他内容。 6.比佛利山庄保有活动最终解释权、终止或提前结束之权利。 Final discount for BeverlyHostel in Cingjing on September! The details of the program from Sep. 01 toSep. 30, 2017, are as follows Make a reservation for your September tripwith your family now and you will get the greatest discount. No matter you’llhave a trip with your family or friends, you might get around by many sheep andhave fun here! Activity date:Sep. 01 toSep. 30, 2017 Make a reservation for doubleroom or quad room, on normal day you’ll get 45% off, onweekday 10% off;for split-level room(six people of room,eight people of room or ten people of room) over two days(two days included),on a normal day you’ll get50%off, on weekday 20% off Such great promotion!! Don’t be hesitateand take the chance immediately. This limited-number offer is only availablewhile room lasts. Please read the details first, 1.The discount is according to the originalroom price. 2.Attach breakfast per person 3.Only make the reservation by phone andplease tell the Customer service that you want to take part in this promotion. 4.Not for a civil body, travel agency, etc. 5.It’s not available for using thispromotion with another promotion at the same time. No objection! 6.“Beverly Hostel” has the right to stopthe promotion activity. 【Beverly Hostel in Cingjing】 E-MAIL:bevely123@gmail.com ADD:No.23-1, RongguangLn., Ren’ai Township, Nantou County 546, Taiwan(R.O.C.) TEL:049-2803781-3 WEB:http://www.bf....tw/ FB:https://www.facebook.co...hanZhuang Weibo: http://www.weibo.co...3501459