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[驅動][主機板] VIA HyperionPro Driver Package 5.00A
There are three main differences between a VIA Hyperion 4in1 driver package and a VIA HyperionPro package, detailed below. All other recommendations remain.
1) The HyperionPro package includes SATA/RAID drivers whilst the Hyperion 4in1 package does not. The extra contents makes the HyperionPro package over 5MB larger than the Hyperion 4in1 package. Therefore if you are not utilizing a VIA SATA or RAID controller in your system, the Hyperion 4in1 package may be a better download choice.

2) The HyperionPro package supports 64 bit Microsoft Windows XP and 64 bit Windows Server 2003 whilst the Hyperion 4in1 package only supports 32 bit operating systems.

3) The HyperionPro package does not contain the IDE Filter driver. For Win9X/ME/2K the IDE filter driver is needed to support UDMA 6. The IDE Filter driver is not needed for WinXP SP1 and later Microsoft operating systems.

Version 500A of the HyperionPro package includes the following driver components:

INF 2.40b
AGP 4.43h
RAID V4.30c
RAID tools V4.06.

The latest version of the Hyperion 4in1 driver package includes AGP driver version 4.43f. The difference between the drivers is that 4.43h does not overwrite the default driver under Server2003 SP1.


Good Luck

Written by ㊣~TonyYang~㊣
獻花 x1 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:台灣中華電信 | Posted:2005-05-28 17:09 |

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